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That's what would be just. I won't dispute that. Ivan Afanasiitch gave a lurch backwards. Onisim ran forward and held his master up. 'And who's to blame for it? I'll tell you, if you like, who's to blame. I'm to blame, in the first place. What ought I to have said? I ought to have said to you: Vassilissa, I love you. Good well, will you marry me? Will you?

You know, it may come out any day, and then we're done for," he rather incongruously appended. Richard only took up the business-thread of his friend's rambling chatter, and answered: "You've got nothing to do with it, if we are." "Haven't I, though! I didn't stick-in the box but I'm an accomplice, that's clear.

Similar remarks were made by a chorus of girls, who were really sick of Leucha and her ways. 'I I'm willing, said Hollyhock, bringing out the words with a great effort. 'But there, let things slide. I have my own troubles, and what I do, I do alone; only you all hear me say, lassies, that I'm willing. Now, then, Agnes, go on with your speech.

Jones, that in every country village there are keen, weasel-like people who encourage new-comers by bleeding their pocket-books at every chance? In securing you as a neighbor our battle was half won, for no one needs a good practical friend more than a city man beginning life in the country." "Jerusalem! how you talk! I'm goin' right home and tell my wife to call me Saint Jones.

A fun'ral is the " "A 'fun'ral' it's murder!" he shuddered. "Oh, not ter make believe, as I shall," she protested eagerly. "It's " "Make believe!" "Why, yes, of course. <i>You'll</i> have ter be the one ter do it, 'cause I'm goin' ter be the dead one, an' " "Harriet!" "There, there, <i>please,</i> Thaddeus! I've jest got ter see Jehiel and Hannah Jane 'fore I die!" "But they they'll come if "

If this keeps on, I'm afraid you will have to take her in and have her committed for insanity. It's a shame, poor thing. At her age it is pitiful. Look how she has ridden that horse! Another mile would have finished him." "Do you mean to say you think I'm crazy? What an idea!

"Quick, Forester, quick!" shouted Archer; "over the wall, lad, and mark them! those are quail; I'm man enough to get this fellow by myself. Steady, lads! steady-y-y!" as they were roading on at the top of their pace. "Toho! toho-o-o, Chase; fie, for shame don't you see, sir, Shot's got him dead there under his very nose in those cat-briers.

"You have heard of her mother's fortune?" "Tremendous!" "She will have, I take it, quite a third of it. Whatever I say I'm sure you will take in confidence; but she is a dear dear girl; and I am anxious for her happiness almost as though she belonged to me." Lord Popplecourt went back to town in the Duke's carriage, but was unable to say a word about politics.

"He is as well able to bear a little contradiction as the rest of us," said Lady Latimer, looking lofty. "In my day the lady was consulted. Now everything must be arranged to accommodate the gentleman. I'm sure we are grown very humble!" Bessie looked meekly on the carpet and did not belie my lady's words.

But if you must he and him and his me in your thoughts, I wish you'd have more kindly thoughts of me." "Do you deny that it's true, Basil?" "Do you believe that it's true, Isabel?" "No matter. But could you excuse it if it were?" "Ah, I see you'd have been capable of it in my place, and you're ashamed." "Yes," sighed the wife, "I'm afraid that I should. But tell me that you wouldn't, Basil!"