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I suppose that's one reason I didn't tell you beforehand what I was up to." "What have you been doing?" "Reggie asked me to go on a long trip to try out his new car. It's a hummer. Hundred-and-twenty horse-power bloody-eyed, fire-spitting devil " "Such cars are dangerous," severely commented Mrs. De Peyster, who still kept to her horses and carriage as better maintaining old-family distinction.

As to the gun-boats alluded to, which were built by contract in the last war, they were so bad, that eighty-seven out of a hundred-and-twenty had been sold by public advertisement for almost nothing. The men-of-war launched from private yards had been the ruin of the navy.

"Excuse me," the auctioneer corrected him blandly; "the gentleman at the far end of the room I didn't catch his name " "Hunken," said 'Bias. "Captain Hunken," prompted Mr Philp. "Er excuse me, Mr Middlecoat, but Captain Hunken has just offered a hundred-and-twenty." "And thirty!" chimed Cai. "Fifty!" intoned back the voice by the door. Mr Middlecoat passed a hand over his brow.

The stranger stood on till she fetched up, almost looking into the mouth of the concealed cove, either totally unconscious of the danger of her proceeding, or indifferent to the consequences. The latter could scarcely be the case; for, as Ada again looked at her through the telescope, she observed that she was a vessel apparently of little more than a hundred-and-twenty or thirty tons burden.

The plan seems to be half-and-half as to crops, with a rental fee for house and pasturage. One man, having a hundred-and-twenty acres, told me he paid three dollars a month for his house, and for pasturage a dollar a month per head. We were in several of the small towns to-day.

Here Pen broke out, rapidly putting an end to the calm oration which he had begun to deliver; for the sight of a woman's tears always put his nerves in a quiver, and he began forthwith to coax her and soothe her, and to utter a hundred-and-twenty little ejaculations of pity and sympathy, which need not be repeated here, because they would be absurd in print.

Eagerly those above watched it as it descended down down, till it became a mere speck below. Then it suddenly disappeared. "Stop," Mr. Hardinge, who was directing the operations, said. "There are six more fathoms yet, sir nigh seven before it gets to the hundred-and-twenty fathom mark." "Draw up carefully, lads. What can have put the light out forty feet from the bottom of the shaft?

So much might be guessed from the size and extent of the out-buildings. The "chall" or byre, for instance, had stalls for no less than twelve cows, whereas to-day all the Island's hundred-and-twenty acres barely afforded pasturage for two.

The fourth bounty of this kind was that granted by the 5th Geo. III. chap. 45, upon the importation of wood from America. It was granted for nine years from the 1st January 1766 to the 1st January 1775. During the first three years, it was to be for every hundred-and-twenty good deals, at the rate of £1, and for every load containing fifty cubic feet of other square timber, at the rate of 12s.

She was opposed to one French hundred-and-twenty gun ship, and two of eighty guns. In a short time, down came her fore-topmast, followed shortly afterwards by her main-topmast, while so damaged were her lower yards and rigging, that she was almost unmanageable.