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Updated: August 28, 2024

The King thought earnestly for a long time, and he slapped his head and rubbed his ears and walked the floor in great strides; but guess the riddle he could not. "You are a humbug, sir!" he cried out at last; "there is no answer to such a riddle." "You are wrong, sire," answered the young man; "Humpty Dumpty was an egg."

"Here they come!" he cried; and, sure enough, the King came riding along the road with many courtiers and soldiers and vassals following in his wake, all mounted upon the finest horses the kingdom could afford. As they came to the gate and entered at a brisk trot, Humpty, forgetting his dangerous position, leaned eagerly over to look at them.

Years have rolled by since this company of poor strolling players attempted "Humpty Dumpty" in Newport, but the memory of that night still remains green in the minds of many. "He employs his fancy in his narrative and keeps his recollections for his wit." A more delightful morning than that which followed the night of the strollers' eventful performance it would be difficult to imagine.

'I mean, she said, 'that one can't help growing older. 'ONE can't, perhaps, said Humpty Dumpty, 'but TWO can. With proper assistance, you might have left off at seven. 'What a beautiful belt you've got on! Alice suddenly remarked. 'If I only knew, she thought to herself, 'which was neck and which was waist! Evidently Humpty Dumpty was very angry, though he said nothing for a minute or two.

"Oh, Nan!" said Humpty, when they were outside, "can we go?" "I shall ask mummie when we get home what she thinks about it," said nurse, "but you are not to be disappointed or cross if she won't let you." That evening when mummie came up to bid good-night to the twins in bed they were told that they might go.

The end of the world seemed to have come for them both. It was like Humpty Dumpty. All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't restore things to their old state nor bring back the lost happiness of that one perfect moment when they had belonged to each other without reservations. Carlotta put out her hand and touched Philip's. "Don't feel too badly, Phil," she said.

That must be the reason you were so untidy in my dream Dinah! do you know that you're scrubbing a White Queen? Really, it's most disrespectful of you! 'And what did DINAH turn to, I wonder? she prattled on, as she settled comfortably down, with one elbow in the rug, and her chin in her hand, to watch the kittens. 'Tell me, Dinah, did you turn to Humpty Dumpty?

"You all time got to ask the first riddle. I'm going to ask the first one "'Round as a biscuit, busy as a bee, Prettiest little thing you ever did see? 'A watch. "Humpty Dumpty set on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, All the king's horses and all the king's men Can't put Humpty Dumpty back again. 'A egg.

"Give over!" he said to Dumpty, after one of her loudest sobs; "it will never do for them to see that you've been crying, or they will be just furious." After a time Dumpty dried her eyes, and went to the window, and drew back the curtains. "It's getting dark," she said. Humpty began to whistle. Suddenly he stopped. "I am getting awful hungry," he remarked.

'Did you think I didn't know the answer to THAT? Ask another. 'Don't you think you'd be safer down on the ground? Alice went on, not with any idea of making another riddle, but simply in her good-natured anxiety for the queer creature. 'That wall is so VERY narrow! 'What tremendously easy riddles you ask! Humpty Dumpty growled out. 'Of course I don't think so!

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