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And, using his fingers industriously, Cabby proceeds to call off the names of various castles and towers here visible notably, Prince Edward's Tower, bold and round, from whose summit three men were looking down. "What are those?" asks Bunker in the carriage behind us, pointing to the old brass guns which sit on the wall like Humpty Dumpty.

I was rather harassed at the moment. My legs were sore, I was a little afraid of the dog, and Patty was very much afraid of sitting on the wall without me. "'You won't fall, I said to her. 'Get down, will you? I said to the dog. "'Humpty Dumpty fell off a wall, said Patty. "'Bow! wow! said the dog.

This Miss Atkins is either laboring under the impression that she is an exception to tradition, or else she has no sense of the fitness of things. At first, I am sorry to say, a few of the seniors looked upon her as a joke, but the reaction has set in, and, like Humpty Dumpty, she is going to take a great fall.

Then they thrust their noses into the stone pitchers. Peppers gulped a swallow, then he lowered his pitcher and looked at Ump. "Humpty Dumpty," he said, speaking slowly and turning down his thumb as he spoke, "when you git your fall, it'll be another job for them king's horses." "Parson," said Ump, "I know how to light." "How?" said Peppers. "Easy," said Ump. Peppers roared.

They had had lots of little adventures before, such as the time when Humpty fell into the pond at his cousins' and was nearly drowned, and when Dumpty had a tooth drawn, and because she was brave and did not make a fuss, daddy and mummie each presented her with a shilling, and even the dentist gave her a penny and a ride in his chair.

'Is it really? said Alice, quite pleased to find that she HAD chosen a good subject, after all. 'They gave it me, Humpty Dumpty continued thoughtfully, as he crossed one knee over the other and clasped his hands round it, 'they gave it me for an un-birthday present. 'I beg your pardon? Alice said with a puzzled air. 'I'm not offended, said Humpty Dumpty.

And the tree looked at all the splendour and freshness of the flowers in the garden, and then looked at itself, and wished that it had been left lying in the dark corner of the lumber-room; it thought of its fresh youth in the wood, of the merry Christmas Eve, and of the little mice who had listened so happily to the story of Humpty Dumpty. 'Too late! Too late! thought the old tree.

There were the pieces lying where the box had been. The puzzle had solved itself. The box was open, open with a vengeance, one might say. Like that unfortunate Humpty Dumpty, who, so the chroniclers tell us, sat on a wall, surely "all the king's horses and all the king's men" never could put Pugh's puzzle together again! The marquetry had resolved itself into its component parts.

I remember her bringing me up to a most truculent and red-faced old gentleman covered all over with orders and ribbons, and hissing into my ear, in a tragic whisper which must have been perfectly audible to everybody in the room, something like 'Sir Humpty Dumpty you know Afghan frontier Russian intrigues: very successful man wife killed by an elephant quite inconsolable wants to marry a beautiful American widow everybody does nowadays hates Mr.

"We must go at once and rescue him," answered the boy. The twins slipped from their seats, and crept to the back of the tent. "I think we can squeeze under this," said Humpty, as he began wriggling under the awning. He then helped Dumpty, who was rather fat, and showed signs of getting stuck. "How cool it is outside!" remarked Dumpty, who had found it hot and stifling under the tent.