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Updated: August 28, 2024

The old Duke saw no Mount Ararat rising from the troubled waters; all that made life worth living for him had passed away, and he lagged superfluous on the stage; a supernumerary with a pasteboard coronet; laughed at and ranted about in the pantomime at which the world had laughed, "King Humpty Dumpty."

Gyp was still doing one of those hundred things which occupy women for a quarter of an hour after they are "quite ready," and at little Gyp's shout of, "Humpty!" she suspended her needle to watch the sacred rite.

Then, fearing their mothers would see them, Humpty ran as fast as he could go until he and Coutchie were concealed beneath a rosebush in the garden. "I 'm afraid we 're bad eggs," gasped Coutchie, who was somewhat out of breath. "Oh, not at all," replied Humpty; "we were laid only this morning, so we are quite fresh. But now, since we are in the world, we must start out in search of adventure.

It might be as well to say that the majority of those who went to witness "Humpty Dumpty" did so for the pure fun of the thing, and determined to have the lark out. There was no orchestra, for the orchestra was the band, and the band had to do the acting. The curtain went up somewhere about the hour announced.

Tom, Tom, the piper's son Now with stealing pigs was done, He 'd work all day instead of play, And dined on tart and currant bun. Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses And all the King's men Cannot put Humpty together again.

She died after I got well; she only waited for me to git up, anyhow." O God! these poor mothers! they bite back the cry of their pain, and fight death with love so long as they have a shred of strength for the battle! "What's your name, dear boy?" "Patsy." "Patsy what?" "Patsy nothin'! just only Patsy; that's all of it. The boys calls me 'Humpty Dumpty' and 'Rags, but that's sassy."

After mummie had gone they lay awake thinking. "Humpty," said Dumpty presently, "what are you thinking about?" "The circus," answered Humpty promptly. "And I," said Dumpty pensively "I have been thinking about Poor Jane." "I have been thinking about her lots too," said Humpty. "And oh, Humpty! supposing the clown should be her brother, what should we do?"

"Wike up! wike hup!" she cried, giving them each a violent shaking. Humpty began to open his eyes. He stared in astonishment at the people round him. "Are you the circus people?" he asked. "Yes, and who are you, we're wanting to know, and 'ow did you come 'ere?" By this time Dumpty was awake. On seeing the strange faces, she immediately began to cry.

They made a rush for the door. "Here, Humpty, will you open it? This handle is stiff." Humpty pulled and struggled with the handle until he was red in the face. "I can't get it open," he said at last. "Let me try again," said Dumpty, and she pushed and struggled, but to no purpose. For a long time she and Humpty tried alternately to open the door, but nothing that they could do was of any avail.

'Is that all? Alice timidly asked. 'That's all, said Humpty Dumpty. 'Good-bye. This was rather sudden, Alice thought: but, after such a VERY strong hint that she ought to be going, she felt that it would hardly be civil to stay. So she got up, and held out her hand. 'Good-bye, till we meet again! she said as cheerfully as she could.

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