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"Mammy Longman, I air a-carin' for a little chap what ain't goin' to live, and I wants a dress to take him to the church. Will ye let me have one?" Mrs. Longman sat up, a new interest dawning in her faded eyes. "To a church? Why to a church? He ain't dead yet, air he?" "Nope; but his ma wants him took to the church where the Huly Ghost air, to have the water put on him.... Can I take the dress?"

Tess remained quiet until the paroxysm had passed. "Air yer pappy a good sprinkler of brats?" Teola nodded. "Air it likely he would sprinkle this 'un'?" "I don't think my father would turn away a dying babe that needed cleansing of its sin by the Holy Ghost." "The Huly what? The student were a-talkin' 'bout him once." "The Holy Ghost," explained Teola.

They were both down beside the babe again, Tess eying the mother eagerly. "Oh, no, Tess! Those are but superstitions. This is the truth. No matter how little the child is, he won't go to a holy place if he isn't baptized." "Air the Huly Ghost livin' only in the church?" "Yes, He doesn't stay anywhere else." "Who says it air true?" "God." "Your brother's God?" "Yes." "Then, of course, it air so.

"I baptize thee, child, in the name " gasped Tess. She stepped back again, throwing an entreating, silent appeal to the huge, bald-headed man. "Of the Father, and of the Son," repeated Bill. "Of the Father, and of the Son," echoed Tess. "And of the Holy Ghost," ended Hopkins. "And of the Huly Ghost," whispered Tess.

Come out of that directly." "Huly, huly, sir!" returned Malcolm, in terror lest he should discover who was with him. "You low bred rascal! Who have you there with you?" As he spoke Mr Crathie would have forced his way into the dusky chamber, where he could just perceive a motionless undefined form. But stiff as a statue Malcolm kept his stand, and the door was immovable.

Miss Horn was sufficiently enigmatical; but her meaning had at length, more through his own reflection than her exposition, dawned upon Duncan. He leaped up with a Gaelic explosion of concentrated force, and cried, "Ta woman is not pe no mothers to Tuncan's poy!" "Huly, huly, Mr MacPhail!" interposed Miss Horn, with good natured revenge; "it may be naething but fowk's lees, ye ken."

If ye won't give the Huly Ghost a chance at him " Here she stepped forward to the font, flashed a look of hatred at Graves, and suddenly dipped her hand into the water. "I sprinkles him myself," she ended. The drops fell upon the livid baby face, dripping down upon the bare feet of the squatter. "I baptize " Tess wavered for lack of words. She had thought she could not forget the benediction.

He that marries a Daw, eats meikle dirt. Huly and fair men rides far journeys. Hast makes wast. He that looks not e're he loup, will fall e're he wit of himself. He that counts but his Host, counts twise. He that hes gold may buy land. He should have a heal pow, that cals his neighbour nikkynow. He is worth no weil that may bide no wae. He that owes the Cow goes nearest her tail.