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And this is the reason why Santals learn to chew tobacco when they are alive; for it is of no use to merely smoke a huka: in the next world we shall not be allowed to knock off work in order to smoke. In the next world also it is very difficult to get water to drink.

"No, thank you," she replied, "I would rather sit here under the awning." The supercargo and Hendry went up on the bridge together, where they could talk freely. But Huka was not such a fool as he looked. "You'll stand little chance with her," said Hendry presently, in his usual low but sneering tones as he tugged viciously at his beard.

We have no trader there, and he has lived there before." "I'd like to see him go over the side in some new canvas, with a couple of fire bars slung to his heels," snarled Hendry viciously. "So would I," said Chard meditatively. At four bells the wheel was relieved, and Huka the Niué native trotted off, and immediately sent a message to Carr's servant Malua to come for'ard.

Why, then, did she not seek the water? Haridasi Boisnavi, returning to the garden-house, suddenly became Debendra Babu, and sat down and smoked his huka, drinking brandy freely at intervals until he became intoxicated. Then Surendra entered, sat down by Debendra, and after inquiring after his health, said, "Where have you been to-day again?" "Have you heard of this so soon?" said Debendra.

Telling his native friends that he would return in an hour or two, or as soon as he had caught some feke. Harvey set off, accompanied by Roka and Huka, the latter carrying a heavy turtle-spear, about five feet in length from the tip of its wide arrow-headed point to the end of the pole of ironwood.

"You damned, red-hided kanaka! Couldn't you see that coming?" and he struck the man a violent blow on the mouth. In an instant Huka let go the wheel, swung himself over the rail on to the deck, and ran for'ard. Atkins looked at his captain with suppressed rage as he seized the wheel, and then began to watch for the next sea.

When Debendra, on his return from Govindpur, had thrown off his disguise and resumed his natural appearance, he took his seat in the next room. His servant, having prepared the pain-relieving huka, placed the snake in front of him. Debendra spent some time in the service of that fatigue-destroying goddess, Tobacco. He is not worthy to be called a man who does not know the luxury of tobacco.

Hendry nodded a sullen assent to this, and turned to take the steer-oar from Huka, who, with the other native seamen, had been listening to the discussion between the captain and his officers. Huka gave up the oar, and then telling the other natives in their own tongue to follow him, quietly slipped overboard, and swam towards the second mate's boat. They leapt after him instantly.

Up on the bridge Hendry and Chard were talking and looking out ahead. The second mate, a young, muscular man, was standing by the wheel, and giving a word of warning now and then to the native helmsman, who was Huka.

I do not want to resort to force to make them return, but call upon you to come alongside, and put those three men back into my boat." Oliver made no answer for the moment. He, Harvey, Atkins, and Huka talked earnestly together for a few minutes, and then the mate stood up and spoke. "The native crew refuse to obey your orders Captain Hendry. They accuse you and Mr.