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On reaching his hut the old chief sat down, and, leaning carelessly against the wall, he toyed with a bit of walrus rib, as an Englishman might with a pair of nut-crackers at dessert. "Why did you bring these barbarians here?" "I did not bring them, father, they brought me," said the son with a deprecating glance. "Huk!" exclaimed the chief, after which he added, "hum!"

Occasionally a dervish holds aloft the fantastic paraphernalia of his profession, battles his way through the surging human surf, and with his black, ferret-like eyes gleaming with unconscious ferocity through a vision of unkempt hair, thrusts his cocoa-nut alms-receiver under my nose and says, "Huk yah huk!" or "backsheesh!"

Huk! hi! hosh! ho!" were something like the exclamations uttered by the Eskimos when the lid of the first case flew up and revealed only a mass of brown paper wrappings. It was interesting to observe the utter self-oblivion of these children of nature! Of course the eyes and mouths of all opened wider and wider while the work went on.

Next moment the Grabantaks saw what the most imaginative among them had never till then conceived of Koyatuk's soles turned to the sky, and his head pointing to the ground! The moment following, he lay flat on his back looking upwards blankly. The huk! hi! ho! hooroos! that followed may be conceived, but cannot be described.

Do you not see he is only bones in a bag of skin? He must rest and feed." "That will be no difficulty," returned the wizard, "for the feast is not to be held for twice seven days. By that time the Kablunet will be well, and getting strong. Of course he must rest and be well stuffed just now. So I will go back, and say that you are coming, and tell them also what you have found a Kablunet. Huk!"

Yesterday I went to the house of the great Fury under the sea, and wrestled with her; and my torngak and I overcame her, and set many of the seals and other animals free." "Huk!" exclaimed the assembly, in gratified surprise. Lest the reader should feel some surprise also, we may as well explain what the Greenlanders believed in former times.

We have starved much for some moons; let us now feast, and grow fat and strong." "Huk!" exclaimed the auditors, who had been touched on their weakest point. "But Angut has not yet uttered his mind," said the jovial Simek, turning with a bland expression to the man in question; "he is an angekok, though he will not admit it. Has not his familiar spirit said anything to him?"

Perhaps their land the far-off land is a poor one; they may not have enough to eat. If so, they may stay in this rich land of mine to hunt and fish as long as they please. But tell them that the Eskimos love wise men, and do not care for foolishness. They must not talk any more about this search after nothing this Nort Pole this nonsense huk!"

Alive and dead at the same time!" "Impossible!" cried Pussimek. "Ridiculous!" cried every one else. "Huk!" ejaculated old Kannoa, wrinkling up her mild face and exposing her toothless gums in a stupendous chuckle. "Yes, impossible! But I think he does not tell many lies," said Nuna apologetically. "I think he only does it a little.

It popped into normality about two hundred thousand miles out from the Huk home-world. It seemed insolently to remain there. In a matter of seconds it appeared at another place a hundred fifty thousand miles out, but off to one side. It seemed arrogantly to remain there, too in a second place at the same time.