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One particularly busy afternoon, just as Ben had finished sending off a lengthy dispatch, someone rapped sharply on the counter behind him, and turning, he saw an honest-looking farmer, who had been writing and groaning for fully twenty minutes before he was ready to send his telegram. "Can you send that to Makeville, young man?"

"I have no more questions to ask, your Honor," said Overtop. "Nor I," said the coroner, "as the witness's testimony has no great bearin' on the case, that I can see. What is jour name, Mister er " "Thomas Jelliman," responded the second policeman, a stout, bluff, honest-looking fellow. He did not say "Your Honor," and thereby offended the coroner.

Houl' an" he pondered a moment, glancing first at the honest-looking hack he was riding, then at the magnificent animal which carried the half-caste. "Houl' an. Gimme a thrifle fur luck, an' take ether wan o' them two. A'll thrust ye till do the leck fur me some time afther."

Next me was an honest-looking young fellow enough, and opposite him his friend. These two looked like shop-lads, out for a "spree." A tall old gentleman made me buy some cigars, with such an air of condescending goodwill, that I was encouraged to stop a waiter and humbly ask for a glass of whisky and water.

'Bleeged to you, gentlemen, but I don't need you," and with a profound bow the honest-looking old deacon walked away, asking the first man he met the way to Madison Square, and succeeded in finding the number without difficulty. "This is it," he said, stopping in front of the tall building, and examining it closely from the roof to the basement.

I had derived so much pleasure from my talk with him that I felt quite another man. I had four days before me; it was a rare piece of good luck. Some hours after, an honest-looking fellow who spoke Italian well came to tell me, from the chief of police, that my creditors would meet on the ensuing Monday, and that he himself was appointed to value my goods.

I told him that the superioress had spoken of him to me, and that I was thinking over the ways and means of obtaining a dispensation without any costs. He was an honest-looking man, and thanked me heartily, commending himself to my good offices, as he said he was far from rich.

The mules were turned about; and leaving that great eye to guard the lonely canyon, we retraced our steps in silence. Day had not yet broken ere we were once more at home, condemned beyond reprieve. What answer my father sent I was not told; but two days later, a little before sundown, I saw a plain, honest-looking man ride slowly up the road in a great pother of dust.

"Then you must make up your mind to start at an earlier hour, for it is Friday to-morrow, and you know the Jews are not allowed to travel after sunset." "I shall not start a moment earlier than I intended, but you can make your horses travel as quickly as you like." He gave me no answer, and went out. The next morning I found my Jew, an honest-looking fellow, in the carriage.

Did you ever hear of such a skunk?" "He must have thought you a very simple and charming young Englishman," said I. "You've done the same thing yourself!" he retorted indignantly. "Pardon me," said I. "If I do send a telegram in that loose way, I choose a humble and honest-looking porter and give him the exact fee for the telegram and a winning smile."