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It is a long, bow-windowed cottage, now divided into two dwellings. It stands facing the Leck, between which and it intervenes a space, about seventy yards deep, that was once the school garden. This original house was an old dwelling of the Picard family, which they had inhabited for two generations.

"The Rhine!" exclaimed Paul, jumping out of his seat. "Why, it isn't anything!" "That is true; but you must remember that this is the old Rhine, the part which was dug out, robbed of the burden of its waters by the Yssel, the Leck, and the Waal. The Rhine of Germany is quite another affair. The mouth of the Rhine is eight miles below Leyden. It was closed for a thousand years."

By the side of the little, shallow, sparkling, vigorous Leck, run long pasture fields, of the fine short grass common in high land; for though Cowan Bridge is situated on a plain, it is a plain from which there is many a fall and long descent before you and the Leck reach the valley of the Lune.

The steamer stood up the Leck, and turned into the Merwe, which is a branch five or six miles in length, connecting the Leck and the Waal. On each side was a dike, of course; but the view from the steamer showed only an ordinary bank. The top of it was broad, and occasionally there was a neat cottage or a little inn upon the top of it.

The channel in front of Dort was formed by an inundation which separated the town from the main land, leaving it deep enough to float the largest Indiaman." "The Leck, on which we sailed for a time after leaving Rotterdam, was a canal dug by the Romans to connect the Rhine and the Waal," added Mr. Fluxion.

No doubt whatever can be entertained of the deep interest which he felt in the success of the school. Cowan Bridge is a cluster of some six or seven cottages, gathered together at both ends of a bridge, over which the high road from Leeds to Kendal crosses a little stream, called the Leck.

Houl' an" he pondered a moment, glancing first at the honest-looking hack he was riding, then at the magnificent animal which carried the half-caste. "Houl' an. Gimme a thrifle fur luck, an' take ether wan o' them two. A'll thrust ye till do the leck fur me some time afther."

The sky was obscured, the waters became livid, and the horizon disappeared behind a thick veil of mist. The ship entered the Meuse, and turned for the tenth time, to the left. At this point the Meuse is very wide, as it carries away and imprisons the waters of the Waal, the largest branch of the Rhine, and the waters of the Leck and Yssel also empty themselves into it.

The straggling village on Frimley Moor was mainly inhabited by a colony of silk hand-loom weavers the descendants of French prisoners in the great war, and employed for the most part by a firm at Leck. Very dainty work was done at Frimley, and very beautiful stuffs made. The craft went from father to son.