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Arizona don't put on dog; but she has her se'f-respectin' ways, an' stands a pat hand on towerists. "If I was called on to lay out a system to guide a tenderfoot who is considerin' on makin' Arizona his home-camp, I'd advise him to make his deboo in that territory in a sperit of ca'm an' silent se'f- reliance. Sech a gent might reside in Wolfville, say three months.

A broad dash of evening light, the sun's afterglow, fell upon a patch of clearing bordered by clumps of slim, outstanding pines, the scouts of their massive brethren. That this was used as a camping-ground the first glance revealed. A camp which looked to the tired eyes of the lost boy a real "home-camp," though it consisted of rude log cabins, occupied it.

I propose that we start back to our home-camp to-morrow. It will take us two days to reach Millinokett Lake. Then we'll set our faces towards civilization the first week in November, or thereabouts." "Oh, bother it! So soon!" protested Dol. "Now, Young Rattlebrain," Garst took the calm tone of leadership, "please consider that this is the first time you've camped out in Maine woods.

"Gracious! but this sort o' work is as slow as molasses crawling up-hill in winter." But ten minutes later, when the dripping jungle was behind, he dropped his jesting tone. He came to a full stop, catching his breath with a big gulp. "Boys," he cried, "it's standing yet! I see it the old home-camp! There it is above us on that bit of a platform, with the big rock behind it.

To climb this was, indeed, "as easy as rolling off a log." "We used to have a good beaten path here, but I guess it's all growed over," said Herb in a thick voice, as if certain cords in his throat were swelling. "Many's the time I've blessed the sight of that old home-camp, boys, after a hard week's trapping.

Here we are at camp, boys! I tell you the home-camp is a pleasant sort of place, after you've been out moose-calling!" Thereupon ensued loud cheers for the home-camp, the boys feeling that they were letting off steam, and atoning for that long spell of silence, which had been a positive hardship.

The guide went off like a racer, covering the ground at a stretching gallop. He remembered well the clear Katahdin spring, which had supplied the home-camp during that long-past trapping winter. He returned with his tin mug full. When the ice-cold drops touched Chris's forehead, and lay on his parted lips, gem-like drops which he was past swallowing, his malformed eyes slowly opened.

Herb, in his simple faith, scarcely doubted that the old chum, whom he had forgiven, had reached a Home-Camp where his broken will and stunted life might be repaired, and grow as they had poor chance to grow here.

However, I have arranged to meet Herb Heal, the guide whom I generally employ, at a hunting-camp near Millinokett Lake." "A good moose country," put in Doc. "I know it. At all events, it is a good place for a home-camp; one can make excursions into the dense forests at the foot of Katahdin, which are unrivalled for big game so Herb says, and he's an authority.

After our return to the home-camp we experienced several weeks of perfect Indian summer, and its passing was marked by one of the most beautiful natural phenomena I have ever seen.