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Jest then Buck Hightower interrupts him by yelling out, "I make a motion Billy Harden be prosecuting attorney, then. Let's hurry this thing along!" And several started to applaud, and call fur Billy Harden to prosecute. But Will, he pounded down the applause agin, and says: "I was about to suggest that Mr. Harden might be prevailed upon to accept that task."

"There's a lot of flub-dub," says the colonel, "about higher laws and unwritten laws. But we've got high enough law written if we live up to it. There's " "Colonel Tom Buckner," says Buck Hightower, "what kind of law was it when you shot Ed Howard fifteen years ago? What " "You're out of order," says the chairman, "Colonel Buckner has the floor.

She's thes bin a-gwine on that a-way all the time, an' I bin that tickled tell a little more an' I'd a drapped on the groun'. How's all?" "My goodness!" exclaimed Mrs. Poteet, "I hope you all know me too well to be a-stan'in' out there makin' excuse. Come right along in, an' take off your things, an' ketch your win'. Sis is home to-day." "Well, I'm monstus glad," said Mrs. Hightower.

But finally they quiets down enough so Will can put it to a vote. Which vote goes fur the colonel to speak. "Boys," he begins very quiet, "I wouldn't lynch this man. In the first place it will look bad in the newspapers, and " "The newspapers be d -d!" says some one. "And in the second place," goes on the colonel, "it would be against the law, and " "The law be d d!" says Buck Hightower.

"'We got mighty nigh three hours yet, says Colonel Bud, 'and enduring of that time all we got to do is to get one of them Hightower deligates deef, dumb and blind drunk so drunk he won't never git back to answer roll-call; and if he does, won't know his own name if he heered it.

There'd been a deadlock for nigh on to three days. The up-state delegates was all solid for old General Marcellus Brutus Hightower of Limestone County, and our fellers to a man was pledged to Major Zach Taylor Simms, of Pennroyal. "Ballot after ballot it stood the same way fifty-three to fifty-three.

And I'll remind you, Buck Hightower, that, on the occasion you drag in, Colonel Buckner didn't do any talking about higher laws or unwritten laws. He sent word to the sheriff to come and get him if he dared." "Boys," says the colonel, "I'm preaching you higher doctrine than I've lived by, and I've made no claim to be better or more moral than any of you. I'm not.

That there trial had lasted so long they wasn't hot blood left in nobody jest then only cold blood, and determination and duty and principle. "Buck Hightower," says the chairman, "how do you vote?" "Death," says Buck; "death for the man. But say, can't we jest LICK the kid and turn him loose?" And so it went, up one side the room and down the other. Grimes had showed 'em all their duty.

On that occasion I had stopped some days with a Colonel Tumlin, to see some remarkable Indian mounds on the Etowah River, usually called the "Hightower:" I therefore knew that the Allatoona Pass was very strong, would be hard to force, and resolved not even to attempt it, but to turn the position, by moving from Kingston to Marietta via.

And in the college classes they learn what you might suppose any college student would learn. That's why I said Mrs. Driver went to two schools." J.W. recalled the Hightower speech of the night before, and the discussion with Mr. Drury on the way home. He wanted to go into it all with this pastor, who wasn't much past his own age, and evidently had some ideas.