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He caused a number of unissued shares to be sold on 'Change, and had them bought up by his own men, thus creating a fictitious interest in the company. In a few days the shares rose and were at a premium, simply through the jobbery to which Herzog lent himself. Panine was little disposed to seek for explanations, and, besides, had such unbounded faith in his partner that he suspected nothing.

Serge looked hard at Herzog. "What is there to prove," replied he, "that this speculation, which brings ruin and loss to me, does not enrich you?" "Ungrateful fellow!" observed the financier, ironically, "you suspect me!" "Of having robbed me!" cried Serge, in a rage. "Why not?" Herzog, for a moment, lost his temper and turned red in the face.

One saw, now, the terribly keen and prehensile intellect at work under the mask of assumed foppishness and jesting indifference the quality, for the most part masked, which had earned Waldron the nickname of "Tiger" in Wall Street. "What then?" repeated Flint, once more levelling that potent forefinger at the sweating Herzog.

Gabriel sprang up so suddenly that his stool clattered over backward on the red-tiled floor. His big fist clenched and lifted. But Herzog never flinched. "Thief!" he repeated, with an ugly thrust of the jaw. Servile and crawling to his masters, the man was ever arrogant and harsh with those beneath his authority. "I repeat the word. Drop that fist, Armstrong, if you know what's good for you.

But Cayrol had been so importunate that, being quite tired of refusing, and, besides, being willing to favor Cayrol for having so discreetly managed the negotiations of Micheline's marriage, she had consented. Herzog had just arrived. He was expressing to Madame Desvarennes his delight at being admitted to her house.

I know her, she will agree to this." "But," said Serge, "I refuse to submit." "In that case you must get out of your difficulties alone." "And how?" inquired the Prince, with astonishment. Herzog looked at him seriously. "By entering on the path which I am ready to open up to you," replied Herzog, "and in which I will guide you. By going in for business."

Cayrol came every morning to talk on business matters with Madame Desvarennes. He had resumed the direction of his banking establishment. The great scheme of the European Credit Company had been launched by Herzog, and promised great results. Still Herzog caused Cayrol considerable anxiety.

The machine-guns were unlimbered for action and large quantities of ammunition were delivered to them and to the aerial-bomb guns, as nightfall lowered. Herzog set eight hundred men to work covering all the tanks possible, with wire netting of heavy steel.

The simple, lively, and frank young girl attracted him, and he liked to talk with her. On several occasions, at Madame Desvarennes's, he had been her partner. There was through this a certain intimacy between them which he could not extend to the father. Herzog had that faculty, fortunately for him, of never appearing offended at what was said to him.

"If they ought not to have gone out of my hands it was hardly worth while putting them into them." "In short," said Panine, eager to find some responsible party on whom he could pour out all the bitterness of his misfortune, "you took a mean advantage of me." "Good! I expected you to say that!" returned Herzog, smiling.