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Tom had not spared words, and I could see at a glance at the mere length of the thing that it must be important. It was from Camp Hang-out in the Adirondacks. "Dear old K.," it began, regardless of expense, "can you arrange to come up here by next train after you receive this? Uncle Lewis is dead. Most mysterious. Last night after we retired noticed peculiar odour about house.

"You seem to know the procedure," remarked the desk sergeant, with a smile. "Who is Mr. George Lescott, and where's his hang-out?" One of the arresting officers looked up from wiping with his handkerchief the sweat-band of his helmet. "George Lescott?" he repeated. "I know him. He's got one of them studios just off Washington Square. He drives down-town in a car the size of the Olympic.

The gang dwelt in his room, made it their hang-out, but only just so long; when the hour arrived for Lyman's study-time, they vanished away mysteriously, took the hint conveyed in some fashion, no one ever knew how, and were gone. To the under-classmen, Lyman was an object of healthy awe. Older than the average senior, he had been already in the larger world.

We have reckoned they had their hang-out here, but we haven't found it yet" "How many are in this band of Border Bandits?" asked Butler. "There are some that we don't know. We do know a few of them, however. For instance, there's the Mexican, Espinoso, known as the 'Yellow Kid. Then there's Greg. Gonzales, a half-breed Mex bandit, and Willie Jones." "Willie Jones!

When Craig and I left the police he had given me most minute instructions which I was now following out to the letter. "I want you to hide there," he said, indicating a barrel back of the house next to the hang-out. "When you see a wire come down from the headquarters, take it and carry it across the lot to the old house. Attach it to the bell; then wait.

"I approve your watchfulness, but you happened to be watching in the wrong direction," said Cliff, brushing dirt from his hunting clothes. "Well, they are getting warm, old man. They have eliminated Riverside as a probable hang-out for the mystery plane, and " He waved a hand significantly while he stood his shotgun against the bole of the tree. "Some one saw us land in this valley," he added.

Kennedy, however, employed the time by plunging into work, most of the time experimenting with a peculiar little coil to which ran the wires of an ordinary electric bell. Back in the new hang-out, the Clutching Hand was laying down the law to his lieutenants and heelers, when Spike at last entered.

"There ain't anyone knows where their hang-out is no one seems to know anything about them, except that they're on hand when there's any devilment to be done. "I've got to talk fast, for I ain't got long. I've never had any trouble with Deveny or Rogers, or any of the rest of them, because I've always tended to my own business.

It was not the room devoted to stuss, but the entrance to it, which Garrick informed me was through a heavy door concealed in a little hallway, so that its very existence would not be suspected except by the initiate. We made no immediate attempt to get into the hang-out proper, which was a room perhaps thirty feet wide and seventy feet deep.

As this was sure to be no easy work, the smugglers calculated to run the cargo and carry the goods into the cellar of the cabin. "Didn't know this hang-out had a cellar," said Branks. "Why don't we " "Shut up!" interrupted the cross-eyed man, holding up a grimy finger which he pointed at Hugh. "Did you say cigar, Branks?" he added craftily in a louder tone, so that Hugh might hear.