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"I've had my reasons for eating here, and it wasn't altogether the coffee, either," the elder man confessed. "I suspected as much," Norvin told him. "At least I couldn't detect anything remarkable about this Rio." "You see, it's a favorite hang-out of the better Italian class, and I've been working it carefully for a year." "What have you discovered?" "Not much, and yet a great deal.

When we got down to the library, which seemed to be the Earl's usual hang-out, we found His Lordship sitting in a chair, with a book in his lap, but with his somewhat gloomy eyes gazing on the floor, and old Uncle Tooter, with his back turned to him, looking out of the window, as if they had just had a quarrel, which was the case.

As she turned, looking about her, she noted first another opening in a wall suggesting still another cave; then, feeling a faint breath of the night air on her cheek she saw a small rift in the outer shell of rock and through it the stars thick in the sky. "May you sleep well in Jim Galloway's hang-out," said Norton lightly.

"That's the gink, I bet yer; has he got a hang-out anywhar 'round this country?" "Not so far as I know; in fact, I haven't heard the fellow's name mentioned for six months, or more. What makes you suspect this?" Sadie leaned even closer, her voice trembling with excitement, evidently convinced that her information was of the utmost importance. "For God's sake, Mr.

He'll talk Nietzsche, or Schopenhauer, or Kant, or anything, but the only thing in this world, not excepting Mary, that he really cares for, is his monism. Haeckel is his little tin god. The only way to insult him is to take a slap at Haeckel." "Here's the hang-out." Brissenden rested his demijohn at the upstairs entrance, preliminary to the climb.

Across his roll-top desk the inspector, speaking as follows, according to the mode of the fellowcraft, gave them their instructions: "You'll likely be findin' this here party at the Stuffed Owl. That's his regular hang-out. My information is that he's usually there regular this time of the day. I've just had word that he went in there fifteen minutes ago; it's likely he'll be stayin' a while.

He conducted her through East Side streets, where Jewish lovers parade past miles of push-carts and venerable Rabbis read the Talmud between sales of cotton socks, and showed her a little café which was a hang-out for thieves. She was excited by this contact with the underworld. He took her to a Lithuanian restaurant, on a street which was a débâcle.

'Couldn't see 'em fer cinders, he described it, and the monica stuck by me.... Monica? From monos. The tramp nickname. "'Bound south, I answered. 'And how's Slim? "'Bum. Bulls is horstile. "'Where's the push? "'At the hang-out. I'll put you wise. "'Who's the main guy? "'Me, and don't yer ferget it." The lingo was rippling from Leith's lips, but perforce I stopped him. "Pray translate.

Of course, it was bitterly cold, but, knowing what sort of climate the vicinity of Cape Horn rejoiced in, Captain Billings, before abandoning the ship, had ordered the men to bring all their warm clothes with them, he himself adding to the stock with all the spare blankets he could find in the cabin; and now, although these things were amongst the stores of the long-boat when she capsized, they fortunately escaped being thrown into the sea and lost on her "turning the turtle," for they were securely fastened below the thwarts, so when the boat was recovered they were still to the good all right with the exception of their being thoroughly soaked in sea water, which an exposure before Pat Doolan's fire, and a hang-out in the fresh breezy air, soon remedied.

But Dingwell knew he was on his way to the Legal Tender Saloon, which was the hang-out of the Rutherford followers. In a few minutes Sanders would get his orders. Dave rode to the house of Sheriff Sweeney. He learned there that the sheriff was downtown. Dingwell turned toward the business section of the town and rode down the main street.