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And the handlers have to hold 'em back so that the gentlemen from the papers can make pictures of me, and Nolan walks me up and down so proud, and the men shakes their heads and says, "He certainly is the true type, he is!"

Wherever he is, the master's business is known, or guessed, heaven knows how; and, if there is a hole in his coat, that hole is hit. Just look at the cleverness of it, sir. Here we are, wrong with the forgers and handlers. Yet they come into the works and take their day's wages. But they draw out the grinders, and mutilate the business.

Here's something we've got to look into at once." The cart handlers willingly enough dropped their burden. All hands crowded forward to read what was written underneath on the sheet of paper. It ran thus: "All passers-by are cautioned that a mad dog, frothing at the mouth, has passed this way, going west.

"The smile that won't come off!" somebody yelled, and the audience laughed loudly in its relief. "The kick that Greaser's got is something God-awful," Danny gasped in his corner to his adviser while his handlers worked frantically over him. The second and third rounds were tame.

"But I had to trust to footwork to save myself. Mr. Spurlock got nearly all my wind in that other round." "Is your wind in again?" asked Greg anxiously. "Yes; I think I feel as fine as my man does," replied Dick, stepping up from the care of his handlers to await the command. "Isn't Mr. Kramer the brute?" whispered Anstey indignantly.

There was an air of grave prosperity in the sober offices of the great cattle company which impressed even the casual wanderer. Silence and decorum marked all the transactions of the weekly messengers, paying in the heavy accounts of the hundreds of New York butchers who drew their daily supplies from these great occidental cattle handlers.

The mediaeval poets, of course, never dreamed of archaeological anxiety, as the supposed Ionian continuators are sometimes said to have done, any more than did the French and late Welsh handlers of the ancient Celtic Arthurian materials.

With data of this sort before him, coupled with the law of endurance described in the case of the pig-iron handlers, it is evident that the man who is directing shovelers can first teach them the exact methods which should be employed to use their strength to the very best advantage, and can then assign them daily tasks which are so just that the workman can each day be sure of earning the large bonus which is paid whenever he successfully performs this task.

"And then," he went on, "the other big fellow is Tim O'Halloran, my chopping block, has a nasty left and is a demon for punishment. The little fellow is Kid Spatola, an Italian, one of my handlers, the bootblack champion. Oh, they're a fine lot, Roger You'll get to like 'em. Nothing like being thrown with chaps a lot to know what they're like inside of 'em, I mean."

Of the sixteen other collies the majority were sables of divers shades. There were three tricolors and two mist-hued merles. Over nearly all the section's occupants a swarm of owners and handlers were just now busy with brush and cloth. For word had come that collies were to be the second breed judged that day. The first breed was to be the Great Danes.