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Updated: August 29, 2024

"Fair and cruel one," said he, advancing, with a half-sneer upon his lip, "thou wilt not too harshly blame the violence of love." He attempted to take her hand as he spoke. "Nay," said he, as she recoiled, "reflect that thou art now in the power of one that never faltered in the pursuit of an object less dear to him than thou art. Thy lover, presumptuous though he be, is not by to save thee.

Disagreeable feelings would rise when she remembered the impoliteness, the half-sneer, the whole taunt, and the real unkindness of several of the young party. She found herself ready to be irritated, inclined to dislike the sight of those, even wishing to visit some sort of punishment upon them.

"Gospatrick," she said, with a half-sneer, "will be as sure, as he is able, to get something worth having for himself out of any medley. Let him have Scotch Northumbria, if he claim it. He is a Dane, and our work will be to make a Danish England once and forever." "But what of Sweyn's gallant holders and housecarles, who are to help to do this mighty deed?"

Taggart looked into Calumet's eyes. What he saw there seemed to decide him. "I reckon it's your trick," he said; "I'll talk." "Get goin'." "I said I'd made love to her." A half-sneer wreathed Calumet's face. "I reckon that covers the ground pretty well. You didn't say it that way, but we won't have you repeat the exact words; they ain't fit to hear. The point is, did you tell the truth?"

And my other condition is that you marry as soon as you can find a suitable wife." "Marry?" said Hugo, in dismay. "I never thought of marriage!" | "You will think of it some time, I presume. An early marriage is good for young men. I should like to see you married, and have your children growing up about me." "Perhaps you have thought of a suitable lady?" said Hugo, with a half-sneer.

He sung the entire passage through with only such mistakes as resulted from his nervousness and embarrassment. At the close, all exclaimed in admiration save Miss Brown, who bit her lip in ill-concealed vexation, and said, with a half-sneer, "Really, Mr. What-is-your-name, you are almost equal to Blind Tom." "You do Blind Tom great injustice," said Dennis. "I read my music."

'You shouldn't have been so ready to say yes when he asked you to go to the theatre. It was like his impudence! 'Why, what ever's the harm, Dick? Besides, we must have some friends, and really he looks a gentleman. I'll tell you a secret, returned her brother, with a half-smile, half-sneer. 'You don't know a gentleman yet, and you'll have to be very careful till you do.

A few of them had known that we were going; some had bade us good-bye. They rested on their picks now and stared at us, lifting their eyebrows, with a knowing smile for one another and a half-sneer for us. My companion had already plumbed the depths of fear and so was now lost to all shame. Myself, I found it very hard.

"You lifted the express box at Socorro, Buck!" said Texas, so earnestly that the table trembled. Buck Reible, gambler, outlaw, murderer, pushed back his broad-brimmed hat with his hand always he used his left and gazed with level, menacing eyes at Texas. His lips parted with a half-sneer.

As the slight shy boy walked slowly up the floor to his place among the Sixth, the boys on either side eyed him curiously and eagerly, and a half-titter, half-sneer greeted his appearance. Some regarded him with a disfavour which amounted to positive dislike, others with disdain and even contempt, and others thought of Wyndham and wondered what Willoughby was coming to.

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