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She looked up, half-amused and half-bewildered, as if doubting whether I was in earnest or not. But in her perplexity, she permitted me to unfasten it, and slip it down from her shoulders. I easily got possession of it; and, sinking down on my knees in the crowd, I rose apparently in the habit of one of the worshippers.

"Father," he said softly, touching him on the shoulder, "father will you give me Doris, for your claim is first? Will you accept me as her lover, sometime to be her husband, always to be your son, and your daughter?" Winthrop Adams rose half-bewildered. Had the secret hope of his soul unfolded in blessed fruition?

Hardie went slowly up to the side of the carriage, and took off his hat to them with a half-bewildered air. Now that he was so near, his face showed very pale; the more so that his neck was a good deal tanned; his eyelids were rather swollen, and his young eyes troubled and almost filmy with the pain.

He's true, at last HURRAH! HURRAH!" The clarion tones rose like a trumpet's blast, and the cheering of the old sailor rang in the arches of the Abbey Church, causing all within hearing to start, as if a voice spoke from the tombs. Sir Gervaise, himself, seemed surprised; he looked up at the vaulted roof, with a gaze half-bewildered, half-delighted.

The diplodocus, meanwhile, had been looking down upon the scene with half-bewildered apprehension. These creatures were insignificant in size, to be sure, as compared with his own colossal stature, but the smaller one had a swift ferocity which struck terror to his dull heart. Suddenly a red wrath mounted to his small and sluggish brain.

Oberatein, a brave, but blundering German, was drawn into the net of treachery by the adroitness of the Spaniard and the effrontery of his comrade. On the night of the 29th of October, half-bewildered and half-drunk, he signed a treaty with Sancho d'Avilat and the three colonels Fugger, Frondsberger, and Polwiller.

Then I stood half-bewildered for a few moments, but directly after I was up on deck, and alongside of Mr Vallance. "Will you stand by me, sir," I says, "if I'm took to task for what I do?" "What are you going to do?" he says. "Shy that iron over the side." "To the death, my man!" "Then lash her fast where she is," I said, nodding to Mrs Vallance; "and, in God's name, come on."

The sick man sees all these things with a half-bewildered gaze, for his senses are still far from clear. The costly articles of apparel and adornment would be appropriate in a lady's boudoir or bed chamber. But they appear strange, even grotesque, in juxtaposition with the roughly-hewn timbers of what is evidently a humble cottage a log cabin!

Levering, who, with a kind of automatic movement of his hand, drew forward the coin and swept it into his till. "Send the bundle to No. 300 Argyle Street," said the lady, with a bland smile, as she turned from the counter, and the half-bewildered store-keeper. "Stay, madam! there is a slight mistake!" The words were in Mr.

"Now, you, and you, and you! About your business! Get to your duty!" Henri and Jules came in for his attentions, for they had crept away from that hideous row of dead, and both gaped at him for a while in open-mouthed amazement, wondering, indeed, whether they were discovered, wondering in a half-bewildered sort of way what they ought to do.