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Updated: August 14, 2024

"There is, however, the element of danger now to take the place of the gracelessness we would have laid to him. Thou knowest Har-hat, my Lord." He thanked the dark-faced taskmaster. "Have no concern for the maiden. She is safe, I doubt not." He took Mentu's arm and passing up through the Israelitish camp, climbed the slope behind it.

She selected and handed to me the very largest specimen in her collection, which I had the gracelessness to refuse, though without show of disgust. Afterwards she asked if she might come and sit in the seat with me. I thought she was very disagreeable. Besides, I was so miserable I wanted to commune apart with my own loneliness. However, I made room for her.

"You bet I have only I never got it. I'm earning five hundred a week right now, and doing four men's work." "Pictures that won't sell? Or er fancy work of some sort? Can you swim?" "I used to." "Sit a horse?" "I have essayed that adventure." John Bellew snorted his disgust. "I'm glad your father didn't live to see you in all the glory of your gracelessness," he said.

No one at the Courts, no one in Paris, knew of this secret life of Popinot's. There are virtues so splendid that they necessitate obscurity; men make haste to hide them under a bushel. As to those whom the lawyer succored, they, hard at work all day and tired at night, were little able to sing his praises; theirs was the gracelessness of children, who can never pay because they owe too much.

She cannot know, with her base instincts dragging her down to the hearth-level of home and child, the material gracelessness of her husband, equally incapable of striking an Anglo-Saxon, or a mediæval attitude; and with his blood flushed, healthy face unable to realize in his expression that divine sorrow which can alone distinguish the man of culture from ordinary Englishmen, or the anthropoid apes.

Having paid, in passing, respects to the most gorgeous tree of the island, it would be sheer gracelessness to withhold a tribute to one of the commonest, though ever novel and remarkable the umbrella-tree.

"They say he'll get well again, but I don't know." "You are anxious about him," Maud said. "No, I'm not." Recklessness became something akin to defiance. "I don't like him much. He's so surly." "My dear!" said Maud, momentarily disconcerted. "Well, it's no good pretending I do when I don't, is it?" said Toby, and suddenly smiled at her with winning gracelessness.

Hamish." "Twenty, if you like, sir," responded Hamish, promptly, "so that they be affirmative ones." "Ellen," whispered Mr. Huntley, "would you have him, with all his gracelessness?" Ellen seemed ready to fall, and her eyes filled. "Do not joke now, papa," was all she said. Hamish caught her hand, and took upon himself the task of soothing her. And Mr.

And he was to be butler besides! It would be something to remember in his old age. Yet, once or twice the pins of his conscience pricked him. He wasn't treating Nancy just right. He didn't want her to cry over his gracelessness; he didn't want her to think that he was heartless. But what could he do? He stood too deeply committed.

And no goodness shall ever have admittance into Heaven save the goodness which is of God." "But surely," exclaimed Philippa, looking up in surprise, "there is grace of congruity?" "Grace of sin and gracelessness! It is not all worth so much as one of these rushes upon your floor. If you carry grace of congruity to the gates of Heaven, I warn you it shall never bear you one step beyond.

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