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Schwartzmann's bullet, which, I have no doubt, had left me a gory spectacle. At any rate, I frightened Miss Falconer when the candle-light revealed me. In an instant she was bending over me, forcing me gently down upon a particularly cold, hard bench. "They shot you!" she was exclaiming. Her voice was low, but it held an astonishing protective fierceness. "They they dared to hurt you!

From the wounds of the crown of thorns; from the pierced side; from the mutilated hands and feet; from the scourged body from every hand-breadth of his person streams of blood were flowing! Such a gory, ghastly spectacle would frighten the children out of their senses, I should think. There were some unique auxiliaries to the painting which added to its spirited effect.

There were also numbers of old castles and fortresses. Towards evening, after having with great exertion travelled four stages, I reached the little town of Gory, whose situation was exceedingly charming. Wooded mountains surrounded it in wide circles, while nearer at hand rose pretty groups of hills.

Two passing Allied planes each gave it a shower of bullets that caused it to topple over in mid-air, and go crashing down towards that grim and gory field below. But where was Bangs? Blaine's anxieties were deflected from Buck to his own plane which at last turned earthward, not, crippled more by enemy aid, but but "Why confound it! I'm out of gasoline again. Well, here goes!"

As he rises, the prisoners start in wonder, for the face they see in the lantern-light is that of their brother, yet strange in its haggardness and its smear of blood on the cheek. The girl runs from her hiding-place with a cry, but stands in horror when her foot touches the gory pool in the road. The trooper opens his coat and offers her a locket.

He insists that a sense of humour is our only salvation that only those will be saved who happen to be laughing for the same reason that God laughs when He looks at us that the little Mohammedans and Christians and things will be burned for their blasphemy of believing God not wise and good enough to save them all, Mohammedan and Christian alike, though not thinking excessively well of either; that only those laughing at the whole gory nonsense will go into everlasting life by reason of their superior faith in God."

Aiding despots in their need, Who've changed our green so oft to gory? None save those who wish to see The noblest killed, the meanest killing, And true hearts severed from the free, Will take again the Saxon Shilling. The British soldier is the meanest killing the noblest. The poet's name is Buggy. All this is very surprising. Painted by Paddy Mr. John Bull, J.P., will hardly recognise himself.

"It is productive of much gory sport," said Mr. Jinks. "Ah!" said Ralph, "I should think so. Gory is the very word." "Besides this they have another figure " "The Dutch have?" "Yes." "What is it?" "It is a woman, sir " "No no," said Ralph. "It is, sir," replied Mr. Jinks, with resolute adherence to his original declaration, "it is Saint Patrick's wife, Sheeley " "Oh, no!" cried Ralph.

Oh! many a heavy burden Have sinners in Loretto's mansion laid; And Heaven's peculiar blessing breathes around The grave that has redeemed the world! The prayers Of the devout are precious fraught with store Of grace, they win forgiveness from the skies; And on the soil by gory murder stained Shall rise the purifying fane.

After dinner the host proposed a toast to Sam and accompanied it with a patriotic speech which thrilled the hearts of his audience. He pointed to the national flag which was festooned upon the wall. "Look at Old Gory!" he cried. "What does she stand for? For the rights of the oppressed all over the earth, for freedom and equal rights, for "