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His temple appeared half shot away, a bloody and horrible sight. "Pards, I got him!" he said, in strange, half-strangled whisper. "I got him!... Hell-Bent Wade! My respects! I'll meet you thar!" His reeling motion brought his gaze in line with Belllounds. The violence of his start sent drops of blood flying from his gory temple. "Ahuh! The cards run my way. Belllounds, hyar's to your lyin' eyes!"

"Looks like a help wanted hail," says I. "She's got a bunch of youngsters with her and yep, one of 'em is all gory. See!" "O Lord!" groans Babe. "Well, I suppose I must." As he backs up the machine I stretches my neck around and takes a look at this wayside group.

Would to God that I had reflected upon the fatal steps I had taken, and I should now have been at my home, enjoying the society of kind friends, instead of dying upon the gory field, and in a foreign land. My father was a wealthy man, in the town of G h, in the state of Virginia, and moved in the best society of the place.

He was "Dare-devil Dick, the Dread Destroyer," and Georgina was "Gory George, the Menace of the Main." Together they commanded a brigantine of their own. Passers-by saw only an old sailboat anchored at the deserted and rotting wharf up nearest the breakwater. But the passers-by who saw only that failed to see either Dare-devil Dick or Gory George.

Surrounded by Lady Jocelyn, Drummond, Seymour, and the rest, Evan's dust-stained body was stretched along the road, and his head was lying in the lap of Rose, who, pale, heedless of anything spoken by those around her, and with her lips set and her eyes turning wildly from one to the other, held a gory handkerchief to his temple with one hand, and with the other felt for the motion of his heart.

I cut 'im in ribbons, that's wot I did, an' 'e a-squealin' all the time. Once 'e got 'is 'and on the knife an' tried to 'old it. 'Ad 'is fingers around it, but I pulled it through, cuttin' to the bone. O, 'e was a sight, I can tell yer." A call from the mate interrupted the gory narrative, and Harrison went aft.

"Lightly they'll talk of the Southern Confed. that's gone, And o'er his empty carcass upbraid him; But nothing he'll reck, if they let him sleep on, In the place where they have laid him. "Sadly and slowly they laid him down, From the field of fame fresh and gory; They ate off his flesh, and threw away his bones, And then left them alone in their glory."

But yesterday such deeds To-day such doom! Now whirled upon the earth, Now his limbs dashed aloft, they dragged him, those Wild horses, till, all gory, from the wheels Released and no man, not his nearest friends, Could in that mangled corpse have traced Orestes.

It was a gory sphere, a wafer of purple which lightened the immensity of the sea with a fiery glare. The dark masses closing in the horizon were fringed with scarlet. A restless triangle of flames spread over the dark green waters. The foam turned red and the coast looked for an instant like molten lava.

They spurned and spat upon him, even as our Redeemer was spurned; and then, on the Sabbath day, they cried aloud in their conventicles, 'Lord, hast Thou not smelt a sweet savour of blood? Ay, these murderers gloried in their crime, bragged of their gory hands, lifted them up towards heaven as a token of righteousness!"