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I thought I was nodt like these beople down here, when I gome down once to look aroundt; I thought I must be somethings else, and zo I zaid I better take myself in time, and I gome here among my brothers the becears and the thiefs!" A noise made itself heard in the next room, as if the door were furtively opened, and a faint sound of tiptoeing and of hands clawing on a table. "Thiefs!"

Sieppe, half way down the stairs, kept calling "Gome, gome, we miss der drain." Mrs. Sieppe released Trina and started down the hall, the twins and Owgooste following. Trina stood in the doorway, looking after them through her tears. They were going, going. When would she ever see them again? She was to be left alone with this man to whom she had just been married.

Heinzman began to blubber; choked, shivered all over, and cried aloud with an expression of the greatest agony: "You must dake me somewheres. I must talk with you and your goot wife. I haf somedings to say to you." He in his turn grasped Orde by the arm. "I haf broke quarantine to gome and tell you. Dey are dere mit shotguns to kill me if I broke quarantine.

"Gome, den, leedle girl," she said, rising and taking Hilda's hand. "Gome, den, we go vind subber, hey?" She issued from the park and took a cross street, directly away from the locality where she had begged the previous days. She had had no success there of late. She would try some other quarter of the town.

The girl came back. "Dat's vat I tought. You dond look ride. Your mudder vouldn't known you since you gome here. Pedder you send for your folks alretty." "Oh, go out let me alone. Yes, I'll do it. I'll get up soon." When the girl returned with the proprietor of the hotel Harold was far past rational speech. He was pounding furiously on the door, shouting, "Let me out!"

And wyte zee wel, that a man oughte to take gode kepe for to bye bawme, but zif he cone knowe it righte wel: for he may righte lyghtely be discoyved. For men sellen a gome, that men clepen turbentyne, in stede of bawme; and thei putten there to a littille bawme for to zeven gode odour.

"A gentleman about the apartments, mum." "Fife bet-rooms," says the man entering. "Six bets, two or dree sitting-rooms? We gome from Dr. Good-enough." "Are the apartments for you, sir?" says Miss Honeyman, looking up at the large gentleman. "For my lady," answers the man. "Had you not better take off your hat?" asks Miss Honeyman. The man grins and takes off his hat.

In the course of this day's march we were pushed close to the Lake by Mount Gomé, and, being now within three miles of the end of the Lake, we could see the whole plainly. There we first saw the Shiré emerge, and there also we first gazed on the broad waters of Nyassa. Many hopes have been disappointed here.

"I don't know their namess," Lindau began, when Fulkerson said: "Hope you haven't forgotten mine, Mr. Lindau? I met you with Mr. March at Maroni's one night." Fulkerson offered him a universally shakable hand. "Oh yes! I am gladt to zee you again, Mr. Vulkerson. And Mr. Marge he don't zeem to gome any more?" "Up to his eyes in work.

Sir Bale stared at her sternly for some seconds. "Gome, now, do be distinct," said Sir Bale; "what has happened?" "He's lying on the sofer in the old still-room. You never saw my God! O, sir what is life?" "D n it, can't you cry by-and-by, and tell me what's the matter now?" "A bit o' fire there, as luck would have it; but what is hot or cold now?