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It was impossible to restore sufficient quiet to allow the service to be resumed; and the defeated prelatic party were compelled to abandon the Liturgy, thus dashed out of their trembling grasp by a woman’s hand. Such was the state of affairs in both church and kingdom, when George Gillespie first appeared in public life.

Sometimes in Scotland people were given, as Christian names, names meaning servant of Christ, or some saint. The word for servant was giollo, or giolla. It was in this way that names like Gilchrist, Gilpatrick, first came to be used. They were at first Christian names, and then came to be passed on as surnames. So Gillespie means "servant of the bishop."

We have already referred to the high expectations which Baillie entertained of his future career. But high as these had been, they were far surpassed by the reality, as he himself declares. “None in all the company did reason more, and more pertinently than Mr Gillespie.

There's just as good law right here as there is anywhere. I'd hate to have it go out from here that Bear Cat can't trust the officers it elects to see justice done. Don't you boys feel that way too?" "Can't we even ride him outa town on a rail? You done said we might." Mrs. Gillespie hesitated. Why not?

Well, he got him once more into his clutches, and in the dead hour of night, himself you there, Thomas Gourlay one of your villain servants, by name Gillespie, and my own son you that stand there, Thomas Corbet afther making the poor boy dead drunk, brought him off to one of the mad-houses that he had been in before. He, Mr.

When these learned men had ended their oration, the Moderator proposed who should give an answer to their discourse; they all generally voted Mr Gillespie to be the person.

Deposition of the Honourable Samuel Smith, Senator of the United States for the state of Maryland, a witness produced, sworn, and examined in a cause depending in the Supreme Court of the state of New-York, between James Gillespie, plaintiff, and Abraham Smith, defendant, on the part and behalf of the defendant, as follows: 1st.

"You may think it's pretty strange, my asking you for help. Won't you set? I can't let you come inside because the baby's just got to sleep." "Well," he assented, "if you're not afraid to be seen with such an infidel in the full light of day," he jested, confronting her from the log where he sank. "What would Brother Gillespie say?"

The committee had been chosen from among a number of candidates Gillespie on account of his political standing, Cotten as representing the solid element of the colored population, and Old Abe, with democratic impartiality, as likely to satisfy the humbler class of a humble people.

At last, wearying of this dangerous sport, Kit Carson dismounted, and crept around until he obtained a good sight at the Indian; when, he drew up his rifle, fired, and sent a bullet through his heart. From this dead brave, Kit Carson took a beautifully wrought bow and quiver, which still contained a large number of arrows, and which he presented, on rejoining the party, to Lieutenant Gillespie.