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It was Johnson's finger diverted his eyes to the crucial place in the prayer-book to which they had come. "Wiltou lover, cumfer, oner, keeper sickness and health..." "Say 'I will." Mr. Polly moistened his lips. "I will," he said hoarsely. Miriam, nearly inaudible, answered some similar demand. Then the clergyman said: "Who gifs Worn married to this man?" "Well, I'm doing that," said Mr.

Well, I watch the wind, I count the days, I haf no rest for joy; and when Carl comes, I fly to him. He gifs me back my store, he falls upon my neck and does not speak, then I know my little Kind will never come, for she has gone to Himmel before I could make a home for her on earth. Oh, my Ulla! it is hard to bear;" and, with a rain of bitter tears, poor Mr.

It not only gifs us a better Drachenflieger, but it remofes our last uneasiness as to Great Pritain. Wizout you, sir, Great Pritain, ze land you lofed so well and zat has requited you so ill, zat land of Pharisees and reptiles, can do nozzing! nozzing! You see, I am perfectly frank wiz you. Well, I am instructed that Chermany recognises all this. We want you to place yourself at our disposal.

The Individual was curious to inquire wherein the fifty-cent dose he had received, differed from the fortunes for which she chargedein tollar,” and he received the following information: “For ein tollar I gifs you a charm as you vears on your necks, und it gifs you goot luck for ever, und you never gets drownded, und you lifs long viles, und you bees rich und vera mooch happy.”

"I zink tat dose persons te Marsay, dis is Monsieur Pirodot, your berfumer, who gifs palls of a magnifissence druly Aziatique, and whom der king has decoraded." De Marsay lifted his eyeglass, and said, "Ah! true, I thought the face was not unknown to me. So you are going to perfume your affairs with potent cosmetics, oil them with "

It was an apartment of large size, extending across the house, with a window at each end, and two on the side. On the floor there was a heap of straw, over which some skins were thrown. There were no chairs, nor was there any table. "Scusa me," said Girasole, "miladi, for dis accommodazion. It gifs me pain, but I promise it sall not be long. Only dis day an' dis night here.

which in English letters would have been spelled 'Maharajah ka wasti, and which meant simply, 'For the Maharajah, upon one side of it. Upon the other he wrote in the large round hand that Dr. Roberts had taught him 'To your Honner, the Maharajah of Chita. Sunni will take your Honner in his hart to his oun country, but the gifs are too heavie.

I explained at random that I wished to treat diseases in general. "Vell, ve gifs you a case, mit a pook," and thereon produced a large box containing bottles of small pills and powders, labeled variously with the names of the diseases, so that all you required was to use the headache or colic bottle in order to meet the needs of those particular maladies.

"Dat it ish, miss," he said; "but I vorks pretty hard mineself, and my son Shakey, he gifs me von leetle lift ven he ton't pees too much in school." "Do you live here?" asked little Grace. "Here in dis garten? no, miss; I lifs oud boud t'ree mile in de country." "That's a long walk for you, isn't it?" said Lulu.

"Ah, heaven, she gifs me the name that no one speaks since Minna died!" cried the Professor, pausing in a puddle to regard her with grateful delight. "I always call you so to myself I forgot, but I won't unless you like it." "Like it? It is more sweet to me than I can tell. Say 'thou', also, and I shall say your language is almost as beautiful as mine."