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At the first sound of the music he had darted towards Sarah, arriving beside the lady with "the natural friz" a yard in front of Fred Anderson. It was not etiquette to refuse to dance, and the fact that he was "the Boss's" guest, if only a boy, carried weight. Sarah rose, with a rueful glance at her disappointed swain. The two disconsolate faces moved Wally to compassion.

"'See here! says he, 'I'll admit many a time you've licked me in a friendly way, Ezekiel, and I'm obliged to you; but, now, be you, or ben't you, my guest? "'I be, says I. "'Then don't let's hear no more out of you, he says, 'but come along. "'The powder'll be friz, I hints, still tryin' to switch him off. "'Not much, he says. 'She's down a cellar twenty foot deep come on.

In general characteristics, they resemble the Torres Strait islanders: some of them friz their hair up into a mop two feet in diameter, wear a comb nearly a yard long, and bunches of dogs' teeth hanging behind, by way of ornament, and take no little pride in adorning their persons with paint and tattoo-marks, and flowers and plants of strong odour.

"On mine honour, a pretty warder," said Monkbarns; "and what's my wig to do all the while?" "I asked Caxon that very question," answered Ochiltree, "and he said he could look in ilka morning, and gie't a touch afore he gaed to his bed, for there's another man to watch in the day-time, and Caxon says he'll friz your honour's wig as weel sleeping as wauking."

This served the purpose of warming the whole of the interior, as the other apartments opened into this room, which indeed also provided the only means of communication with the outside of the hut, the principal and solitary door of the establishment being here. "I'd sooner be smoked any time fur chice, myself, than friz!" said Mr Lathrope again, as if to provoke his opponent.

She 'caint a gone and fell through the ice, for it's friz two feet thick; and, as for running away, or going for to kill herself, it wasn't in the gal to do no sich thing. Ben Benson, you was a brute, beast, and two or three sarpents to boot, not to tell the gal all she wanted to know. You obstinate old wretch, you've gone and done it now, and no mistake.

"Wa-al, ma'rm, if it warn't for me, as Mr Meldrum here will tell you, I've no doubt yer wouldn't have a chimbley, nor nary fire to sot by inside haar!" "A fine smoky chimney it is too!" retorted Mrs Major Negus. "It is quite suffocating, I declare." "That's better nor bein' friz," said the American, with some little heat.

"On mine honour, a pretty warder," said Monkbarns; "and what's my wig to do all the while?" "I asked Caxon that very question," answered Ochiltree, "and he said he could look in ilka morning, and gie't a touch afore he gaed to his bed, for there's another man to watch in the day-time, and Caxon says he'll friz your honour's wig as weel sleeping as wauking."

"I hope your attire is of a very warm description," said the doctor, as he helped her into the wagon; "it friz pretty hard last night, and I don't think it has got out of the notion yet. If I had been consulted in any other a form, than that of a friend, I should have disapprobated, if you'll excuse me, Miss Ringgan's travelling again before her 'Rose of Cassius' there was in blow.

"Sarah's hair has a natural friz, so she's the only girl in the house without curling pins concealed more or less in her front hair. Brownie gave permission for the pins to-day; I guess she thinks it would give Sarah an unfair start if she didn't!" "But the shaving water?" "Ah, well, I expect Fred Anderson wanted that. She's engaged to him, you know," said Norah, simply.