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And it's a satisfackshn to think that, in spite of politticle diffrances, you have found frendly aujences here.

What sort of sense is thare to King Leer, who goze round cussin his darters, chawin hay and throin straw at folks, and larfin like a silly old koot and makin a ass of hisself ginerally? Thare's Mrs. Mackbeth sheze a nise kind of woomon to have round ain't she, a puttin old Mack, her husband, up to slayin Dunkan with a cheeze knife, while heze payin a frendly visit to their house.

For, let me see, to-day is Sunday; to-morrow the Lords sitt, and then I must have a care a cruell care to have your leggs handsome and a new cleane ruff band about your necke, of old rusty iron; 'twill purge your choller. Pike. I, I, let it, let it: Collers, halters, & hangmen are to me bracelets and frendly companions. Jay. So hasty? stay my leasure.

If we Cannot subsist on the above terms to proceed on, and make Station Camps, to neighbourhood of the Frendly village near the long narrows & delay untill we Can proceed up the river. Salt water I view as an evil in as much as it is not helthy- I am also of opinion that one two or three weeks Exemination on the opposide if the propects are any wise favourable, would not be too long

What the juice does the public care for you or me? Why must we always, in prefizzes and what not, be a-talking about ourselves and our igstrodnary merrats, woas, and injaries? It is on this subjick that I porpies, my dear Barnet, to speak to you in a frendly way; and praps you'll find my advise tolrabbly holesum.

The body of the Councell; And we beseech your Grace make it not our syn: They gave us strict commaund to stop your passage. Or. 'Twas frendly don and like my noble masters. Will. Deny you place? make good the dore against ye? This is unsufferable, most unsufferable. Or. Now I begin to feele those doubts; I feare still Col. So far to dare provoke ye!

But I thought I would first. I hope the saviges will be frendly allways. Your respecfull comrade, P.S. None of us are Bones yet. "Will it do?" Greg asked anxiously, when I folded it up. His eyes grow very dark when he's anxious, and they were perfectly inky now. You never would have guessed that they were really blue.

Poar thing, a frendly face was a event in her life a tea-party quite a hera! "Why, perhaps, Lenoir my maid," says my lady, looking grave. "I wish, Miss Kicksey, you would not demean yourself by mixing with my domestics. Recollect, madam, that you are sister to Lady Griffin." "No, my lady, it was not Lenoir; it was a gentleman, and a handsome gentleman, too."

On the werry tenth of next month, which this year happens for to be Jewly, we are a going for to receive to Lunshon, quite in a frendly way, the Hemperer and the Hempress of all GERMANY, not forgitting Hellygoland which we so kindly guv 'em larst year, and, in addishun, about twenty other princes and princesses from differing forren parts, as has all agreed for to cum at the same time to do 'em honour, and as if that wasn't quite enuff for one day, the noble Prince of WHALES, and the butiful Princess of WHALES, and all the Royal Family, will be werry much "hall there" for to receeve 'em and shew 'em praps the luvlyest site in Urope, wiz., the butiful Gildhall made into a bower of roses, and covered with reel dammarsk tablecloths from top to bottom, and them all covered with such a fairy-like Lunshon as makes my pore old mouth water ony jest to think upon!