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To think all of you would stand by and let me marry her a cheap little gold-digger from Broadway, living with a cheap four-flusher she couldn't get along without and had to send for " "Did you want to kill her, Ralph?" Penny whispered, touching one of his knotted fists with a trembling hand. "Kill her?... Good Lord, no!" the boy flung at her violently. "I'm not such an ass as that!

He was not exactly suspicious, but he did not believe in taking unnecessary chances. "I tell you I'm out of training. Played the last game, haven't we? Come through with a square meal, you four-flusher," demanded Elliot in a querulous voice. He turned to Macy. "Look here, Cap. Haven't I played the game all fall? Don't I get what I want now we're through?" The voice of the young man was excited.

But it goes just as you lay it down. I'm a skunk and all the rest of it. Now, listen! I ain't such a four-flusher as to lay down my hand before I've played it out. See! I'm not through with Gabriel Pasquale. Watch my smoke. Him and me hasn't come to a settlement yet." "Sounds to me like whiskey talk," answered the Texan scornfully.

"You ain't got a cent, you four-flusher," he cried. "Clinker put us next to that long before we sailed from Frisco." "Clinker lies," cried Divine. "He doesn't know anything about it I'm rich." "Wot's de use ob chewin' de rag 'bout all dis," cried Blanco, seeing where he might square himself with Ward and Simms easily. "Does yo' take back all us sailormen, Mr.

Rickart, like a brother and Rickart told him Searle is a four-flusher hasn't a bean and looks like a mighty good imitation of a crook. Searle! You put up thirty stung, Beth, stung, good and plenty!" Beth's hand was on her cheek, pressing it to whiteness. "Oh, I've been afraid that something was wrong that something terrible Why, Glen, that would be forgery obtaining money under false pretences!

And they fancied the great ladies disputing over him, believing in perfect faith that no woman could resist a man who painted so well. His enemies, established artists but who were inferior to him, growled in their conversations. "Four-flusher, prig!

He advanced toward the Texan sneeringly. The others gathered about to see what would happen. Something in Kid Wolf's eyes warned them of impending trouble. "What's the idea now?" Modoc snarled, showing his stained teeth like a wolf. "Has this four-flusher been up to his tricks again?" Kid Wolf's voice came cool and calm. "Modoc," he drawled, "what color will the moon be to-night?"

Dawson, extinguishing his cigarette and placing it behind his ear, replied that he was the fellow who could bite his, Mr. Coston's, head off. Mr. Coston said: "Huh?" Mr. Dawson said: "Sure." Mr. Coston called Mr. Dawson a pie-faced rubber-necked four-flusher. Mr. Dawson called Mr. Coston a coon. And that was where the trouble really started. It was secretly a great grief to Mr.

It certainly must have been yore busy afternoon." The drover looked at him with a new respect. He had found the answer to the question he had put himself a few hours earlier. This boy was no four-flusher.

Alaire spoke with a conviction she did not entirely feel. "Father O'Malley aroused the finer side of his nature." "Perhaps," agreed the priest. "Somewhere in him there is a fear of God." But Dave was skeptical. "More likely a fear of the gringo Government," said he. "Longorio is a four-flusher. When he realized he was licked he tried to save his face by a grandstand play.