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Here I've been waitin' for years to get a crack at that big four-flusher, an' here you come, a-fannin' along from your little old East an' get ahead of me!" He stifled a cackle of mirth. "An' so you're lookin' for action? Lordy! If you don't call what you done to Dunlavey an' Yuma action this country's goin' to set up an' take notice when you get to goin' in earnest!"

Seriously, Tom, I have no place for you." The repetition of this statement made not the smallest impression upon the hearer. "You'll have one soon enough," he replied. Then with a touch of spirit, "Do you think I'd work for this four-flusher if you were in the country?" "Hush!" O'Neil cast a glance over his shoulder. "By the way, how do you happen to be here? I thought you were in Dawson."

A spider was spinning its web by the wall; now losing, now winning, now taking a fall; though often it tumbled, it breathed not a sob, nor crawfished nor grumbled, but stuck to its job. Then Bruce opened wider his eyes and exclaimed: "That dodgasted spider has made me ashamed! I'm but a four-flusher to sit here and whine! This morning must usher in triumphs of mine!"

I dropped in to see him this morning, and he told me about a foolish, fashionable girl who made a bluff at going on the stage he said she had a good voice and was a swell looker, but proved to be a regular 'four-flusher. I recognized you." "Thanks," said she dryly. "So, I came to see you." She inquired about Mrs. Brindley and then about Stanley Baird.

But the offer had come too late, it seemed to him; at this moment he could see no means of profiting by it without wrecking the flimsy house of cards he had that very day erected and exposing himself to ridicule, to obloquy as a rank four-flusher. The scarcely dry headlines of that afternoon paper ran before his eyes "Famous Financier Admits Large Oil Interests Behind Him."

Bennet correctly, she remembered now, thinking about her best friend; or about the one who had always, till so recently, been her best friend. He had called Mr. Bennet a "four-flusher." Would that she had not been so blinded in her infatuation as not to heed this warning!

"Well, that's not the point," she went on after a little. "What are we going to do to get at that creature known as Jerkline Jo, the four-flusher? She's crooked as a dog's hind leg, and goes around pulling the pious stuff on the roughnecks." "You think because you're crooked every other woman is, eh? I'll say this for Jo she's straight and a dead-game sport. She's not a four-flusher.

I don't need you; I don't care for you; I think you're a renegade four-flusher, bluffing on no pair, and if I had known what a nasty little old woman you are I'd never have opened negotiations with you. Now, you chirk up, Boston, and smile and try to be a good sport, or I'll work you over and make a man out of you. Savvy?"

Don't get into Worth's schemes too deeply. A man of your standing and influence, you know, can't afford to play into the hands of a four-flusher." Then the Manager of The King's Basin Land and Irrigation Company slipped easily away before the other could reply. Three minutes later the man in the big white vest overtook the Company's chief engineer in the doorway of the restaurant.

Men who live in such close daily touch with the primitive realities of life, and who thereby acquire a simple directness, with a certain native modesty, have no place in their hearts for to use their own picturesque vernacular a "four-flusher." Phil tactfully did not even smile at the question, but answered in a matter-of-fact tone.