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The Professor backed fearfully away from the dangerous looking horse and the equally formidable-appearing cowboy. Whereat Patches addressed Stranger with a roar of savage wrath. "Whoa! You consarned, square-headed, stiff-legged, squint-eyed, lop-eared, four-flusher, you. Whoa, I tell you! Cain't you see I'm a-wantin' to shake hands with this here man what the boss has interduced me to?"

I killed Dolores's husband, and took her along, see? "Are you trying to scare me, you poor four-flusher?" Milt's right hand expanded, fingers arching, with the joyous tension of a man stretching. "No. I'm just reading your thoughts. I'm telling you you're scared of me! You think that if I went on, I might steal your car! You're afraid because I'm so suave. You aren't used to smooth ducks.

It is a shame that the fortunes of the younger men, who really amount to something, are entrusted to an old fogey who has run out, a 'four-flusher' who will never leave anything worth while behind him!" Oh, from those moments had arisen all the annoyances of his artistic activity.

That's what I think she's a rotter and a four-flusher. You notice the way she crawls when I stand up to her. Why, they won't have Catholics here, and I'm one of those wicked people, and she knows it!

Then, close on the heels of this, all wires go flat, all wireless breaks down, all rails are interrupted, and and Hell's to pay!" Fair in Slade's face he shook his trembling first. "Urrh! You devilish, impotent faker! You four-flusher! You toy detective! You and your President, too, aren't worth the liquid oxygen to blow you to Hades!

"I have taken the trouble," went on Lee coolly, when Quinnion, leering back at him, made no reply, "to ride forty miles to-night for a little talk with you. You are a crook and a card-cheat. I told you that once before. You have been telling men that I am a coward and a four-flusher. For that I am going to run you out of town to-night. Or kill you." Then Quinnion laughed at him.

It was the look of a gambler saying, "Come on my four-flusher, beat that! Show down!" The rabble outside deployed off the pavement across the street back a whole block. Eleanor could hear the hum through the open window. The attorney was leaning across the table conferring with the coroner. The coroner rapped the table and cried for "order." The room suddenly silenced.

"Why, Bo," began Las Vegas, reproachfully. "You shore know I'm not the four-flusher kind. Never got away with a bluff in my life! An' I'm jest in daid earnest aboot this heah." All the same, signs were not wanting in his mobile face that he was almost unable to restrain his mirth. Helen realized then that Bo saw through the cowboy that the ultimatum was only one of his tricks.

My only fear is that so great an engineer will not think it worth while to come to this out-of-the-way section." "The big four-flusher!" muttered Ashton. "How you must dislike him! It makes me all the more curious to see him." "Does your father know about this letter?" queried Ashton. "You forget yourself, sir," she said. Meeting her level gaze, he flushed crimson with mortification.

It hinted that she was really old enough to be his mother, that she was heiress of wisdom handed down by her sex through all the generations. As yet he had not found out that he was only a boy and she was a woman. No Four-Flusher Pauline Roubideau knew the frontier code. She evinced no curiosity about the past of this boy-man who had come into her life at the nick of time.