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So I has the power o' seein' the fairies." And then, "me man were bigger nor ye, Denny. Skipper Tim, he were. Built the first fore-an'-after on this coast, he did." And later "There bain't no luck in diamonds. The divil bes in 'em." Young Cormick sat on the other side of the stove, busily carving a block of wood with a clasp-knife.

They come ashore in their boats, sir, an' left the ship acrost a rock wid a hole in her bows bigger nor this house." "And where are they now?" "That I couldn't tell, yer reverence. They set out for Nap Harbor, to the south, that very night, an' got there safe an' sound. An' I heard tell, sir, as how they sailed from Nap Harbor for St. John's in a fore-an'-after."

Skipper Tommy was vastly concerned for her. "My poor woman," he began, "don't you be cryin', now. Come, now " "Oh, his poor woman," she interrupted, bitingly. "His poor woman! Oh, my! An' I s'pose you thinks 'tis the poor woman's place t' work in the splittin' stage an' not on the deck of a fore-an'-after. You does, does you? Ay, 'tis what I s'posed!" she said, with scorn.

"Sure, didn't he put into Raggedy Cove one night him an' his fore-an'-after bound from St. John's, wid a freight o' grub an' gear. But what business would ye be havin' wid the likes o' him, sir?" Darling ignored the question and asked another. No, George Wick was not familiar with the coast south of Witless Bay; but he had always heard that it was a desperate bad coast.

"Tell 'em abaout yer meetin' Captain Sol, Sam," she repeated. "Me and Sol met kinder cur'us," began the captain. "That year I was first mate of the Marthy Dutton, of Kennebec; and on this identical v'yage we was baound daown along with a load of coal. In them days three was a full-handed crew for a fore-an'-after, and that's all we had, captain, mate, and cook, and a dog and cat.

The skipper looked older, wiser and less sure of himself than in the brisk days before the raid. "I bes a poor man now," he said. "Sure, them robbers broke t'rough this harbor somethin' desperate! Didn't the back o' the chimley look like the divil had been a-clawin' it out?" "Quick come and quick go! Ye bes lucky, lad, they didn't sail away wid yer fore-an'-after," said Mother Nolan.

"The big fore-an'-after, Timmie, I'm t' have when I'm growed. You may skipper she. You'll not wreck her, Timmie, will you?" He was asleep. "Hut!" I thought, angrily. "I'll have Jacky skipper that craft, if Timmie don't look out." At any rate, she was not to be for me. The WAY From HEART'S DELIGHT

Already every man o' ye has more gold stored away nor ye ever see afore in all yer life, an' come spring the skipper'll be freightin' yer jewels, an' the cargo out o' the last wrack, north to St. John's, an' sellin' 'em for ye. Would ye have salved 'em widout the skipper? No. Would ye be able for to freight 'em to St. John's widout himself an' his fore-an'-after? No.

Tom Platt, of course, could not keep his oar out of the business, but ranged alongside with enormous and unnecessary descriptions of sails and spars on the old Ohio. "Niver mind fwhat he says; attind to me, Innocince. Tom Platt, this bally-hoo's not the Ohio, an' you're mixing the bhoy bad." "He'll be ruined for life, beginnin' on a fore-an'-after this way," Tom Platt pleaded.