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But if these should prove ineffectual, the midwife must insert her hand into the orifice of the womb and draw it out gently. Having thus discussed common births, or such as are generally easy, I shall now give directions in cases of extremity. What ought to be done in cases of extremity, especially in women who, in labour, are attacked by a flux of blood, convulsions and fits of wind.

Is there anything that with propriety can be called caloric? We have seen that a very considerable quantity of heat may be excited by the friction of two metallic surfaces, and given off in a constant stream, or flux, in all directions, without interruption or intermission, and without any signs of diminution or exhaustion.

For the flux, there is no better medicine than the cup used two or three times, &, in case of sudden torments, a clyster of a quart of water boiled to a pint, which, with the quantity of two or three nutmegs of saltpetre boiled in it, will give present ease.

The gout was known as Saint Maurus' evil, leprosy as Job's evil, cancer was Saint Giles', chorea Saint Guy's, colds were Saint Aventinus' ill, a bloody flux Saint Fiacre's and I forget the rest.

To us who read Godwin with many a later Utopia in our memories, his most valuable chapters are those which give his penetrating criticisms of existing society. To these young men the excitement was in his picture of a free community from which laws and coercion had been eliminated, and in which property was in a continual flux actuated by the stream of universal benevolence.

Three years ago I settled the problem of the composition of the flux, and got near the pressure by putting this flux of mine and a certain carbon composition into a closed-up gun-barrel, filling up with water, sealing tightly, and heating." He paused. "Rather risky," said I. "Yes. It burst, and smashed all my windows and a lot of my apparatus; but I got a kind of diamond powder nevertheless.

We were required to fuse two ideas that were alien to one another, without having had those other ideas presented to us which would alone flux them. The absence of these which indeed were not immediately ready to hand, or Mr. Spencer would have doubtless grasped them made nonsense of the whole thing; we saw the ideas propped up as two cards one against the other, on one of Mr.

The trade and political struggles carried on by the commercial interests were a series of incessant wars, in which every individual owner, firm or combination was fiercely resisting competitors or striving for their overthrow. But the landowner occupied a superior position which neither political conditions nor the flux of changing circumstances could materially assail.

A. Because the heat goes from the outward parts of the body to the inward, to help nature to expel their terms, which deprivation of heat doth cause a paleness in the face. Or, because that flux is caused of raw humours, which, when they run, make the face colourless. Q. Why do they at that time abhor their meat?

With a confident smile Arcot switched on the current of the big magnet. At once a terrific magnetic flux was set up through the light-metal. He took the little compressed-air saw, and applied it to the crystal plate. The smooth hiss of the air deepened to a harsh whine as the load came on it, then the saw made contact with the refractory plate.