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They have gone, with the stagecoaches and country-newspapers; and the places that knew them will know them no more. Betsy Ann, who was mercifully admitted to the wedding, pronounced it without hesitation the "flattest thing she ever see," and was straightway dismissed by Polly, with an extra frosted cake, and a charge to "get along home with herself." Then Mr. Sampson walked slowly home with Mr.

"If I can only get them all placed before they come back," she said to herself, as she unwrapped each little bulky parcel. "I hope Naskowski gives me time." "Wasn't it the flattest thing you ever saw?" said Patricia, disgustedly, as they waited for Judith at the side door.

Again a curtain behind which one fancies there is all the poetry in the world, and finds the flattest prose. I need not assure you that I have the most heartfelt sympathy for the sufferings of your good mother; I hope rest and summer will affect her health favorably, and that she will recover after a while, with the joy of seeing her children happy.

Miss Carstairs would be sorry to miss him, the kind-hearted girl opined, and would he please leave his name? The young man descended the steps in a state of the flattest depression. Disappointment, he reflected bitterly, crowded upon the heels of disappointment on this anticlimactic afternoon which yet should have been, in a bigger sense, so gloriously climactic.

He started various topics with him University reform, politics, music. In vain. In his most characteristic Oxford days Langham had never assumed a more wholesale ignorance of all subjects in heaven and earth, and never stuck more pertinaciously to the flattest forms of commonplace. Flaxman walked away at last boiling over.

Nelly's provocative eyes were in the background, of course. Three several times I tried and failed, swinging perilously at a rope's end below the dolphin-striker. And then the Ariadne, with one of those unaccountable movements which a ship will make at times in the flattest of calms, brought me victory, and the narrowest escape from extinction in one and the same moment.

In the view of these statements, it is impossible not to realize the entire futility of attempting to silence this asserted science by the flattest and most peremptory results of experiment.

"I dreamed of voyagin' into unknown seas of seein' the islands of the West and of the East of visitin' all the wonderful corners of the world of facin' all the perils and experiencin' all the adventures of a free rover. And what was my fate? "The tamest sort of a life," he said, answering his own question. "The flattest existence ever man could imagine. Hi-mighty!

The lady's difficulty was peculiar to sweet natures that have no great warmth of passion; it can only be indicated. Like others of the kind, it is traceable to the most delicate of sentiments, and to the flattest: for Mr. This was the effect of Beauchamp's latest words on her. He had disarmed her anger.

'Not when we're driving, ma'am, was the answer. THE MAN OF TWO MINDS faced his creatrix in the dressing-room, still delivering that most ponderous of sentences a smothering pillow! I have mistaken my vocation, thought Diana: I am certainly the flattest proser who ever penned a line.