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Pepusch, is ready whenever I hand him the verses and the tunes to set them to. Why, I've not decided the names of the characters, and that let me tell you, doctor, is no easy matter. I call the first wench Peggy Peachum, but it doesn't please me. At that moment Pope caught sight of his man fidgetting first on one foot and then on the other. "What d'ye want sirrah?" demanded the poet irritably.

This is all that one fidgetting about, as the phrase is, intends, when he has no special motive for fidgetting in any particular direction more than in any other, and similarly it may by possibility be the mere fidgettiness of Nature that gives rise to all natural phenomena.

"Indeed!" exclaimed the lieutenant, not a little surprised at the information; "but we shall hear all about that presently; yet what is he fidgetting about at the bottom of the bow of the boat?" "There's another body there, sir, besides Le Noir's. It's that of the poor boy at Heywood's an Indian scalped him and left him for dead.

Wouldn't you rather go back to Rivenoak with a feeling of complete independence? I see what it is. You don't really mean what you say; you're ashamed to be indebted to a woman. Yes, I can see it in your face." "Look at the thing impartially," said Dyce, fidgetting in his chair. "How can I be sure that I should ever be able to pay you back?

Simcox, an old friend, had come into her room and after mysteriously fidgetting with business and conversational trifles, had issued the invitation to dinner at his house at Cricklewood in language mysteriously couched. "My wife would like to meet you," said Mr. Sturgiss.

Disturbing me." "Am I?" cried Sally, with suppressed anger steeling her voice. "I can't get to sleep either. It's deadly!" "But you're ... fidgetting." "Oh.... I thought I was lying quite still!" she exclaimed, with irony. A bitter laugh was checked upon her lips. There was a silence, and Sally tried to sleep. It was of no use.

I'll be somewhere about with Bob, and he ran off. Nance stood looking after him for a moment. Then she came in, half-closing the door. 'That's right, said Archie, 'now we'll be very comfortable without Jus fidgetting about. Go on, Nance, we're all ready. Nance drew forward a stool, and seated herself upon it, between the children, in front of the fire.

He entered it headlong, slamming the door, and slapping his incomparable silk hat on the table. His mouth opened, but before he could speak, the King said "Your hat, if you please." Fidgetting with his fingers, and scarcely knowing what he was doing, the young politician held it out. The King placed it on his own chair, and sat on it. "A quaint old custom," he explained, smiling above the ruins.

"They bear it," he says, "by a direct sufferance;" that is to say, they submit to just what discomfort exists at the moment, without fidgetting about either a cause or a consequence," and decidedly without fretting about what is to come. For a grown-up person to attain to the same state of unanxious resignation, is one of the high triumphs of Christian faith.

Duke and Pamela listened attentively, their hands crossed on their knees, their eyes fixed on Grandpapa no fidgetting or staring about or making signs to each other. Such things would probably have been severely punished. And then came what was almost the happiest part of the day for "us," breakfast number two; that is, breakfast with Grandpapa and Grandmamma.