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Isn't he great fun? And Nan departed, laughing over the joke with such genuine satisfaction that it was evident no sentimental regrets disturbed her 'maiden meditation, fancy-free'. 'I shall have my eye on Demi, but won't say a word. Meg likes to manage her children in her own way, and a very good way it is.

"I soothe my heart and my love repel; * But my state interprets my love too well: When tears flow I tell them mine eyes are ill, * Lest the censor see and my case fortell, I was fancy-free and unknew I Love; * But I fell in love and in madness fell. I give you a soul you will haply take. * To which Union is Heaven, Disunion Hell."

You and Harriet and I shall room together in a firewall with bedrooms for three!" When Gertrude's brother turned up at college just before the holidays of their senior year, he boldly asked for Bea in the same breath with his sister's name. When the message was brought to her, that fancy-free young person's first thought was a quick dread that Berta would tease her about the preference. But no.

People who are eager at ferreting out unimportant facts about important men had unanimously come to the conclusion that up to the age of twenty Dickens was entirely fancy-free. It was left to an American to disclose the fact that this was not the case, but that even in his teens he had been captivated by a girl of about his own age.

Pure and lofty as he thought himself, it was her birth and her wealth which Cesarini adored in Florence. And Florence Lascelles, when the crowd had dispersed and she sought her chamber, forgot all three; and with that morbid romance often peculiar to those for whom Fate smiles the most, mused over the ideal image of the one she /could/ love "in maiden meditation /not/ fancy-free!"

And when I think of the slim and lovely maidens, running the woods all night to the note of Diana's horn; moving among the old oaks, as fancy-free as they; things of the forest and the starlight, not touched by the commotion of man's hot and turbid life-although there are plenty other ideals that I should prefer I find my heart beat at the thought of this one.

"And anyhow, Potts, I believe there 's no girl who would n't choose to be jilted outright, rather than be juggled out of her affections that way." "No doubt she would say so, if you asked her," replied the imperturbable Potts. "A woman always prefers a nice sentimental sorrow to a fancy-free state. But it isn't best for her, and looking out for her good, you must deprive her of it.

"I could never marry anyone but you, Peter," she whispered to me, as we sat together on the terrace of the palace by the Zuider Zee, after she had confided to me her anxieties, "but I find it hard to keep up the deception that I am heart-whole and fancy-free, and yet indifferent to Count Hendrick's attentions.

'Not I, Marjory, said he; 'if there is anything in a clear conscience, not I. I offer all my heart's best affection; you can take it or want it, though I suspect it's beyond either your power or mine to change what has once been done, and set me fancy-free. I'll marry you, if you like; but I tell you again and again, it's not worth while, and we had best stay friends.

Rolfe, she said, without any show of embarrassment. 'I didn't when I first knew him; but he grows upon one. I think him interesting; he isn't quite easy to understand. 'Indeed he isn't. They smiled with the confidence of women fancy-free, and said no more on the subject. Carnaby came home to dinner brisk and cheerful; he felt better than for many a day.