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Updated: August 18, 2024

At an earlier age the Scottish lad begins his greatly different experience of crowded class-rooms, of a gaunt quadrangle, of a bell hourly booming over the traffic of the city to recall him from the public-house where he has been lunching, or the streets where he has been wandering fancy-free. His college life has little of restraint, and nothing of necessary gentility.

Staniford imagined she grew pale and thin; he asked Dunham if he did not see it, but Dunham had not observed. "I think matters have taken a very desirable shape, socially," he said. "Miss Blood will reach her friends as fancy-free as she left home." "Yes," Staniford assented vaguely; "that's the great object."

Even the gloves are not fancy-free, but are very apt to bring with them the slang of the ring and the beastly associations of professional pugilism. Youth looks up to its teachers; but if its teachers in the manly art be the Game-Chicken, the Pet, the Slasher, youth, in learning to respect the brute strength of such men, will hardly learn to respect itself.

Bessie, who was fancy-free, and a lively-spirited girl, by no means relished the slights and privations which poverty entails.

Johnson next morning," says Boswell, "I found him highly satisfied with his colloquial prowess the preceding evening. "The bee enclosed and through the amber shown, Seems buried in the juice which was his own." See Midsummer Night's Dream, Act II, Sc. 2. "And the imperial votaress passed on, In maiden meditation, fancy-free."

Then suddenly her eyes flew open, and she sat up with a little cry; a man who would have fitted well enough into any fancy-free maiden's dreams was standing close to her side, looking down at her. Helen's hands flew to her hair. Plainly she read that in the first flashing look he was no less astounded than she.

Such a muddle of a man, and yet so worth pulling through. I like him extraordinarily. "Well done," said Margaret, kissing her, "but come into the drawing-room now, and don't talk about him to the Wilcoxes. Make light of the whole thing." Helen came and behaved with a cheerfulness that reassured their visitor this hen at all events was fancy-free.

To her I dedicate this paper, that she may know, not what she shall order, that is left to her own sweet will, less fettered now that her life is rounded by her welding it upon its other half than it was when she wandered in maiden meditation fancy-free, not, I say, what she shall order for her dinner and for Leander's, but the principle on which the order is to be given. "But, my dear Mr.

People who are eager at ferreting out unimportant facts about important men had unanimously come to the conclusion that up to the age of twenty Dickens was entirely fancy-free. It was left to an American to disclose the fact that this was not the case, but that even in his teens he had been captivated by a girl of about his own age.

I fancy his going was partly thanks to her care. Closer and closer came the dark brows together, until by degrees her extremely fancy-free thoughts took a turn. 'What a fuss! what was Mme. Lasalle talking about? "Fascinating," forsooth! she should like to see anybody that could fascinate her. And so the whole thing grew ludicrous, and she laughed, her soft ringing, girlish laugh.

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