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Did you take note of any peculiarity in his teeth?" "Yes, sir. One of 'em was gone near the front, right-hand side, next to the big yellow eye-tooth." "Would that make a peculiar mark on human flesh?" "Yes, sir," answered Connelly, holding up his hand again and showing the scar, now nearly five months old.

"Moga's eye-tooth." As a rule, twelve hours without water in the desert during hot weather, kill a man. I never suffered severely from thirst but on this occasion; probably it was in consequence of being at the time but in weak health. I have never shot this feathered friend of man, although frequent opportunities presented themselves.

There, then, must have been a vacancy in the upper jaw, a tooth broken off or gone entirely, and Stuyvesant remembered that as Murray spoke the eye-tooth was the more prominent because of the ugly gap beside it.

"I'm glad you've come," he said huskily. "My conscience hasn't given me any peace for months, and I wanted to give in, but you know that it's like drawing an eye-tooth for an Atwood to give in. I'm proud of the boy, and he'll be a blessing to us all. He IS a new departure in the family; he's got more brains than any of us, and with it all a big, brave heart.

A deft turn of the head eluded Eitel's snatching hand. With the lightness of a feather, Lad deposited the bundle in the soft dust of the road. In practically, the same gesture, the dog's curving eye-tooth slashed Eitel's outstretched wrist to the bone. Then, staggering under a second head-blow from Roodie, the collie wheeled with lightning-swift fury upon this more hostile of his two assailants.

A cunning leer was in her eye, as she looked into the woful, impassive eyes of her daughter. She grinned with a sort of delight expressive of the conviction that the advice she had given the night before was to be put in execution soon. "Fix him, Margaret; he's mighty eager for you. You've cut your eye-tooth be quick, and you'll have a famous parson for a husband yet."

Try to cut at least one eye-tooth with the other half. Your trustee is instructed to give you another start. His trustee! Once more he must face her with failure; go to her beaten, and accept through her hands the means to gain himself another buffeting.

When he speaks you see that one eye-tooth is missing The King will not recognize the presence of the Prince of Wales. We are being deceived, Eversmann. All sentries have orders to let a white domino, if such a one should appear at night about the castle, pass unhindered and even unchallenged. Do you not see the thoughtfulness for the Prince of Wales in that?

And a hundred men looked up in surprise and suddenly rearoused interest. "Yes, sir," said Clarke, "one tooth was missing, upper jaw, next the big eye-tooth;" and as the witness stood down the general and the questioning officer beamed on each other and smiled. An adjournment was necessitated during the early afternoon.

Thus the teeth of man constitute a regular and even series without any break and without any marked projection of one tooth above the level of the rest; a peculiarity which, as Cuvier long ago showed, is shared by no other mammal save one as different a creature from man as can well be imagined namely, the long extinct 'Anoplotherium'. The teeth of the Gorilla, on the contrary, exhibit a break, or interval, termed the 'diastema', in both jaws: in front of the eye-tooth, or between it and the outer incisor, in the upper jaw; behind the eyetooth, or between it and the front false molar, in the lower jaw.