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Updated: August 23, 2024

What he wants is to take his time over it. Look at all the real swells 'Erbert Spencer, Marie Corelli, and what not you don't find them pushing it out every day of the year. They wait a bit and have a look round, and then they start again when they're ready. Stands to reason that's the only way."

"Thank you: no." I handed him the key of my bag, flung off coat and waistcoat, and sat down to unlace my boots. "Your mistress is in the drawing-room, I suppose, with her guests?" "She is, sir." "And Mr. Herbert?" "Mr. 'Erbert was to have been 'ome by ten-thirty. He is as you know, sir a little irregilar. But youth," William arranged my brushes carefully "youth must 'ave its fling.

"In that case there's no 'arm done, for your room is ready, and I laid out your dress myself. Mr. 'Erbert gave particular instructions before going out." "Mr. Herbert?" I gazed around me blankly. Who in the name of wonder was Mr. Herbert? "If you will allow me, sir," suggested William, taking my bag, while the other went back to his post. "Thank you," said I, "but I know my own room, I hope."

The request-men, who had heard all this a good many times before, sucked their teeth in acquiescence. The Captain was walking up and down the other side of the deck talking to the Commander. They turned together and came towards the table. The Captain's Clerk opened the request-book and laid it before the Captain. "'Erbert Reynolds," intoned the Master-at-Arms in a stentorian voice. "Able seaman.

Quit those low-browed sounds, guttermut, or I'll get mad all over," agreed Fish, whose marvellous vocabulary included no foul words. There was no need for them. "Hi halso was abaht ter request you not to talk beastial, Mr. 'Erbert 'Awker," chimed in Trooper "Henery" Bone, anxious to be on the side of the saints.

They were nominally under supervision of the ship's Schoolmaster, who, however, had gone off to unpack a hamper of flowers the gift of an enthusiastic subscriber. "Step this way, 'Erbert 'Enery Bates." "You go to hell, Link Andrew!" But the boy stopped his work and faced about, nevertheless. "See this flag?"

But his turquoise finger nails lying against the rusty black of the hat brought him back to his suspicions. He paused and turned. "My name's Wain," he said. "I'm telling you, in case you might 'ear of me again. 'Erbert Wain. I know what yours is, remember, because I seed it on the door."

"'Eld the Helliot belt in Hinjer last year, they say," continued the Cockney. "Good? Not'arf. I wouldn't go an' hinsult the bloke for the price of a pot. No. 'Erbert 'Awker would not. Dam, arrayed in hob-nailed boots, turned-up overalls "authorized for grooming," and a "grey-back" shirt, looked indefinably a gentleman.

In the confusion the next man to him, on the same errand, helpfully removed the packet, placed two piastres on the counter, and departed swiftly to his own place, leaving the weary one ruminating, possibly, on, "Where did that one go to, 'Erbert?"

You did not hear that you were wanted before?" The watery eyes of the cabman protruded painfully; he respired like a horse. "ME, guv'nor!" he exclaimed. "Gor'blime! I ain't the bloke! I was drivin' back from takin' the Honorable 'Erbert 'Arding 'ome same as I does almost every night, when the 'ouse is a-sittin' when I see old Tom Brian drawin' away from the door o' Palace Man "

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