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"There! that is Finot who edits my paper," he said; "he is talking with Felicien Vernou, who has abilities, but the little wretch is as dangerous as a hidden disease." "Well, old boy, there is a first night for you," said Finot, coming up with Vernou. "I have disposed of the box." "Sold it to Braulard?" "Well, and if I did, what then? You will get a seat. What do you want with Dauriat?

Al Goetz edits it, you know, and he gives you the straight dope. There'll be nothing to that fight they're pulling off Saturday night at the Zucker Athletic Club Hennessey'll put it all over Schnabel in the first round. Good-by! If you hear anything of this Brunell, be sure you let me or the bank know!"

"You coward!" said Richard, almost filling the room with his sturdy figure. "I did my duty at dinner!" cried Clarissa. "You've let yourself in for the Greek alphabet, anyhow." "Oh, my dear! Who is Ambrose?" "I gather that he was a Cambridge don; lives in London now, and edits classics." "Did you ever see such a set of cranks? The woman asked me if I thought her husband looked like a gentleman!"

He hires and fires the office boys; boldly he criticizes the news editor's makeup; he receives delegations of tan-coated, red-faced prizefighting-looking persons; he gently explains to the photographer why that last batch of cuts make their subjects look as if afflicted with the German measles; he arbitrates any row that the newspaper may have with such dignitaries as the mayor or the chief of police; he manages boxing shows; he skims about in a smart little roadster; he edits the best sporting page in the city; and at four o'clock of an afternoon he likes to send around the corner for a chunk of devil's food cake with butter filling from the Woman's Exchange.

But, except as a bulletin of yesterday's doings, limited, the daily newspaper counts for little, the single advantage of the editor in case there is an editor that is, one clothed with supervising authority who "edits" being that he reaches the public with his lucubrations first, the sanctity that once hedged the editorial "we" long since departed.

"They talk about the editor's opinions," struck in a fiery little woman who was busy flinging crumbs out of the window to a crowd of noisy sparrows. "It's the Advertiser edits half the papers. Write anything that three of them object to, and your proprietor tells you to change your convictions or go. Most of us change." She jerked down the window with a slam.

The great newspaper, the Tageblatt, which Mosse owns and Wolff edits, has throughout the war been a beacon light at once of reason and of patriotism. And other great newspapers will take the same enlightened course. I am truly sorry for Georg Bernhard, the talented editor of the VossicheZeitung, who, a Liberal and a Jew, wears the livery of Junkerdom, I am sure to his great distaste.

Stung beyond endurance by taunts of his unpracticality, he enters Parliament, edits papers, keeps accounts, and is in every way a better business man than his publisher. This is all very well for a little time. The contrast amuses by its piquancy.

Truth is a hard god to follow, and often demands the sacrifice of one's personal feelings. Lord Pinkerton said, 'I think, now the thing has gone so far, it had better be thoroughly sifted. If Gideon is innocent, it is only due to him. If he is guilty, it is due to the public. You must remember that he edits a paper which has a certain circulation; small, no doubt, but still, a circulation.

Blathersville wants a Nicholson pavement it wants a jail and a poorhouse more. The idea of a pavement in a one-horse town composed of two gin-mills, a blacksmith shop, and that mustard-plaster of a newspaper, the Daily Hurrah! The crawling insect, Buckner, who edits the Hurrah, is braying about his business with his customary imbecility, and imagining that he is talking sense.