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Updated: July 31, 2024

I have no recollection of a charge of any description being preferred against any gentleman of the name of Parable. Yes. A gentleman was brought in about ten o'clock charged with brawling at the Earl's Court Exhibition and assaulting a constable in the discharge of his duty. The gentleman gave the name of Mr. Archibald Quincey, Harcourt Buildings, Temple. No.

The King himself expressed great indignation at the manner in which one of his most distinguished peers had been treated under the royal roof; and Devonshire was pacified by an intimation that the offender should never again be admitted into the palace. The interdict, however, was soon taken off. The Earl's resentment revived. His servants took up his cause.

I will warrant him hanged and one or two of his fellows, but you must not tell your shirt of this yet;" and when he was congratulating the government on his having at length procured the execution of Captain Hemart, the surrenderer of Grave, he added, pithily, "and you shall hear that Mr. P. B. shall follow." Yet the Earl's real griefs against Buys may be easily summed up.

Two thousand pounds had been sent by Elizabeth to her soldiers when sixty-four thousand pounds arrearage were due, and no language could exaggerate the misery to which these outcasts, according to eye-witnesses of their own nation, were reduced. Lord Willoughby was appointed to the command, of what remained of these unfortunate troops, upon the Earl's departure.

"My boy!" he said and, if you'll believe it, his very voice was queer, almost shaky and a little broken and hoarse, not at all what you would expect an Earl's voice to be, though he spoke more decidedly and peremptorily even than before, "Yes, you'll be my boy as long as I live; and, by George, sometimes I feel as if you were the only boy I had ever had."

He had pointed out the errors of the Earl's administration he had fearlessly, earnestly, but respectfully deplored the misplaced parsimony of the Queen he had warned her against the delusions which had taken possession of her keen intellect he had done his best to place the governor-general upon good terms with the States and with his sovereign; but it had been impossible for him to further his schemes for the acquisition of a virtual sovereignty over the Netherlands, or to extinguish the suspicions of the States that the Queen was secretly negotiating with the Spaniard, when he knew those suspicions to be just.

"Stay you, I pray, Master Wulf," the scrivener cried in great tribulation as his horse followed the example of its companion. "Even if the animal does not break my neck he will jolt the life out of me. I pray you curb him in if you would not see me prone in the dust; and if I am disabled, who is to carry the earl's message to the steward?" Wulf reined in his horse. "Pardon me, good Gurth.

I know not how it is they see so readily that we are strangers, for surely we have mixed enough with the earl's family and friends to have rubbed off the awkwardness that they say is common to country folk; and as to our dress, I do not see much difference between its fashion and that of other people.

Warwick sought his royal cousin at the Tower, where the court exhibited a laxity of morals and a faculty for intrigue that were little to the stout earl's taste. It was with manifest reluctance that Edward addressed himself to the object of Warwick's visit. "Knowst thou not," said he, "that this French alliance, to which thou hast induced us, displeases sorely our good traders of London?"

"I was not the man to have made aught but a baggage of thee, Clo. I taught thee naught decent, and thou never heard or saw aught to teach thee. Damn me!" almost with moisture in his eyes, "if I know what kept thee from going to ruin before thou wert fifteen." She sat and watched him steadily. "Nor I," quoth she, in answer. "Nor I but here thou seest me, Dad an earl's lady, sitting before thee."

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