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"Here, Freme," cried the trapper, when the deer had been quartered, "that's yourn," and he slung the forequarters over the Clown's neck. "Ride nice?" asked the old man. "Kinder hefty, ain't it, Freme?" "Wall, it ain't no ear-ring," laughed the Clown, shifting his burden to a finer balance.

When the letters and the jewellery were returned to him he put them away carelessly, and he bought the first sparkle of diamonds that caught his fancy, and forwarded ring, bracelet, and ear-ring, with whatever word of rapturous love that came up in his mind.

An entirely different type is that furnished by an ear-ring in the Museum of New York brought from Cyprus, where the loop of the ornament rises from a sort of horse-shoe, patterned with bosses and spirals, and surrounded by a rough edging of knobs, standing at a little distance one from another.

Let me stand exposed before my father. Still there is no need of battle." Vaisampayana continued, "Saying this, that much affrighted prince decked in ear-ring jumped down from his car, and throwing down his bow and arrows began to flee, sacrificing honour and pride. Vrihannala, however, exclaimed, 'This is not the practice of the brave, this flight of a Kshatriya from the field of battle.

He too had been to the hospital more than once, not for medical treatment, but to see the doctor about horses to ask whether he had not one for sale, and whether his honour would not like to swop his bay mare for a dun-coloured gelding. Now his head was pomaded and a silver ear-ring glittered in his ear, and altogether he had a holiday air.

It was the hinge of the ear-ring, I suppose." "I don't know what it was; but here's blood, I declare!" "My love, I beg you a thousand pardons. How could I be so awkward! But why could not you for one moment hold your little head still?" Miss Walsingham applied a patch to the wound. "Such a pretty ear as it is," continued Mrs. Beaumont; "I am sure it was a pity to hurt it."

She is here no more yes?" "Well, ay there is a widow lady dwelleth here," said Kate, offering the other ear to her beguiler, just as Norman Hylton came up to them; "but she is a prisoner, and hush! haste you, now, or I must run without them." "Dat shall you not," said Ivo, quickly slipping the second ear-ring into its place.

De oder day he haul out de weather ear-ring, and touch him hat to a midshipman. Sure enough, make um cat laugh." The next day the Harpy was at anchor in Gibraltar Bay; the captain went on shore, directing the gig to be sent for him before nine o'clock; after which hour the sally-port is only opened by special permission.

Her dark, crisp hair was arranged in marvelous convolutions, and from the white tip of each ear, peeping out beneath, hung an Etruscan gold ear-ring, given her by Aunt Margaret. Her cheeks were pale, but not colorless; her eyes glowed like a tiger's.

Thereupon Mysie told her the story of the ear-ring, which had introduced their present conversation, and added several other little recollections, in one of which she was drawn into a description, half pathetic, half humorous, of the forlorn appearance of wee Gibbie, as he ran about in his truncated trousers. Mrs.