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Sometimes a ring depended from both nostrils; and the size of it was equal to that of the ear-ring; so that, at times, its compass included both upper and under lip, as in the frame of a picture; and, in the age succeeding to Solomon's reign, we hear of rings which were not less than three inches in diameter.

'Yes, said Bar. 'Has not the bird been whispering in very different ears from ours in lovely ears? He looked expressively at Mrs Merdle's nearest ear-ring. 'Do you mean mine? asked Mrs Merdle. 'When I say lovely, said Bar, 'I always mean you. 'Oh, cruelly unjust! said Bar. 'But, the bird.

Many wear a delicate white jessamine star in the ear in place of an ear-ring. The people here are not so winsome as those in remoter districts.

It was half-past two before she had reached the happy denouement of the book, and, closing it, she rose to take off her trinkets. Having divested herself of bracelets, rings, and necklet, she placed her hands to her ears. There was only one ear-ring; the other was missing! They were sapphires, a present from Walter on her last birthday.

P. on the back of the head, at a point where her hair was done up in a knot and fastened by two ordinary hair-pins. The hair was much scorched, and under the knot the skin of the scalp was severely burned. The fluid crossed, burning her right ear, in which was a gold ear-ring, and then passed over her throat and down the left sternum, leaving a burn three inches wide, covered by a blister.

"Be smart, my lads," I heard the officer of the watch sing out, "or we may have the masts over the sides." I was on the main-topsail yard-arm to leeward, when, just as I was about to take hold of the ear-ring, the ship gave a lurch, the foot rope, which must have been damaged, gave way, and before I could secure myself, I was jerked off into the sea.

"Stop, my dear Miss Hunter, your ear-ring is coming out. Stay! let me clasp it, love!" exclaimed Mrs. Beaumont, determined to stop her in the career of nonsense, by giving her sensations, since she could not give her ideas, a new turn. "Oh, ma'am! ma'am! Oh! my ear! you are killing me, dearest Mrs. Beaumont! pinching me to death, ma'am!" "Did I pinch, my dear?

"Same thing," replied Fletcher promptly; and raising his hand, he idly toyed with a huge gold ear-ring which she wore. Still resting her elbows upon the table and bending down between us, Zarmi turned her slumbering, half-closed black eyes again upon me, then slowly, languishingly, upon Fletcher. She replaced the yellow cigarette between her lips. He continued to toy with the ear-ring.

But what has been sought with eagerness ought to be acknowledged with promptitude. As soon as the camels had been supplied, the good man presented Rebekah with a suitable token of his thankfulness. It consisted of a golden ear-ring, of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands, of ten shekels weight of gold.

She thought her more "stuck up" than ever, but did not know how to bring her down, yet longed to do it, for she felt as if she had received a box on the ear, and involuntarily put her hand up to it. The touch of an ear-ring consoled her, and suggested a way of returning tit for tat in a telling manner.