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The brother and sister, listening sharply for a few minutes, heard the girl say in a loud tone, as if she intended the guests should hear her, that she was going out to the shed to look for her ear-ring, which she believed she had dropped there. They surmised she was going to put the Indian on his guard.

Braden, and leaned forward until he was within a very few inches of her pearl ear-ring. "He'll be chose all right d-don't fret he'll be chose." "My dear Mr. Braden, I've no doubt of it Mr. Crewe's so popular," she cried, removing her ear-ring abruptly from the danger zone. "Do make yourself at home," she added, and retired from Mr. Braden's company a trifle disconcerted, a new experience for Mrs.

"How came it how happened it?" inquired Robin, perfectly aroused to the horror of the scene, to which Roupall appeared quite indifferent. "I know no more than you," replied the good-humoured ruffian, holding up a jewelled ear-ring between his fingers "I know no more than you; Gad, that's fit for any lady's ear in Kent!

The man ran after it, killed it, hid the ring, made a fire, cooked the jerboa and ate it. A woman came out of the earth, seized him, and demanded, "Haven't you seen my son, with an ear-ring?" "I haven't seen anybody," he answered; "but I saw a jerboa which had a ring in its ear." "It is my son." She drew him under the earth and told him: "You have eaten my son, you have separated me from him.

"Well, just as you please. I suppose you'll go round with one ear-ring." "Like a little pig with his ear cropped? No, I shall do it myself. See there, Georgie!" and she threw a bit of a box into my hands.

As the homeward-bound crew was the same as the outward-bound, and Mr. Dodge had come abroad quite as green as he was now going home ripe, this traveller of six months' finish did not escape diver commentaries that literally cut him up "from clew to ear-ring," and which flew about in the rigging much as active birds flutter from branch to branch in a tree.

Stepping carefully back towards the lounge, with my eyes buried in the carpet, I spied a glittering object at a little distance from where I had been standing. I stooped and picked it up. To my great surprise it was not my ruby ear-ring. It was a small oval locket suspended from a few links of a heavy gold chain, one of the uppermost links was crooked and broken.

Again she fastened her gaze upon the indomitable red rose which hung a pendant ear-ring on the right side of Abraham's head. "Yew wouldn't 'a' had folks a-comin' here ter bid jest out o' charity, would yew?" she demanded.

Vaisampayana continued, "Saying this, that much affrighted prince decked in ear-ring jumped down from his car, and throwing down his bow and arrows began to flee, sacrificing honour and pride. Vrihannala, however, exclaimed, 'This is not the practice of the brave, this flight of a Kshatriya from the field of battle.

Laban, the brother of Rebekah, whoso mercenary spirit viewed with peculiar satisfaction the ear-ring and bracelets which had been presented to his sister, hastened immediately to the well, and gave the messenger of Abraham a warm invitation to his home: "Come in," said he, "thou blessed of the Lord; wherefore standest thou without? for I have prepared the house and room for the camels."