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"If you will be here about ten o'clock my breakfast hour I shall be able to tell you." "Thanks. A rivederci dunque " "Stay; one more word before you go, Signor Barone.

Together she and Gennaro sang the Dunque il mio bene tu mia sarai, the last duet of Zingarelli's "Romeo e Giulietta," one of the most pathetic pages of modern music. The passage Di tanti palpiti expresses love in all its grandeur. Calyste, sitting in the same arm-chair in which Felicite had told him the history of the marquise, listened in rapt devotion.

Such as imports you I will bestow if you ask me, for no more than the joy of beholding you smile." "Say on," the Duke bade him, without relaxing the grimness that tightened his flabby face. Peppe bowed. "It were an easy thing, most High and Mighty, to win the love of Madonna if " He paused dramatically. "Yes, yes. E dunque! If ?"

Gian Maria seemed to await an answer from Francesco; but Francesco stood impassively regarding him, and made no sign that he would speak. At length, unable longer to endure the silence: "E dunque?" cried the Duke. "Have you no answer?" "I would submit," returned Francesco, "that I have heard no question.

I replied in Italian, which he spoke indifferently well. We thus managed to get along. I then related to him the accident which had brought about the death of Barbassou, my uncle and his friend. He listened to me with a greatly distressed air. "Dunque voi signor padrone?" he replied, uneasily; "voi heritare di tutto? ordinare? commandare?"

And strange to say, the Greeks themselves do not attempt to disturb this general unanimity of opinion by an dissent on their part. “E dunque no siete traditore?” “Possibile, signor, ma almeno Io no sono Greco.” Not even the diplomatic representatives of the Hellenic kingdom are free from the habit of depreciating their brethren.

Vettori: 'Starommi dunque così tra i miei cenci, senza trovare uomo che della mia servitù si ricordi, o che creda che io possa esser buono a nulla. Ma egli è impossibile che io possa star molto così, perchè io mi logoro, etc.

Then I walked to Munich then I walked to Italy begging, begging everything. 'The Italians were very good to me they were good and honourable to me. From Bozen to Rome, almost every night I had a meal and a bed, perhaps of straw, with some peasant. I love the Italian people, with all my heart. 'Dunque, adesso maintenant I earn a thousand pounds in a year, or I earn two thousand

"E Lei dunque e il Marchese Lamberto di Castelmare?" said the lady, in the sweetest possible of silvery tones, and with an air of humble wonder at the greatness of the honour done her, mingled with grateful appreciation of it, that was inimitably well done; and held up two exquisitely-gloved slender little hands, as she spoke, half joining them together in thankful astonishment, and half extending them towards him with an almost caressing movement of appeal.

Some time elapsed, perhaps an hour, perhaps more. The church grew lighter; the rain seemed to be stopping. It struck four o'clock. Don Clemente entered the church, followed by Maria and Giovanni who were glad to find Noemi there, for they had not known where she was. The sacristan, who knew Don Clemente, came forward. "Dunque? The viaticum?" The viaticum?