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As one has to suffer from the drawbacks of being a woman, one may as well enjoy the advantages also." "And having enjoyed them, will you graciously condescend to come out there with me?" "But yes; of course I will." He turned on his heel; and they went out together.

In spite of all these drawbacks, the emperor fences exceedingly well, rides with pluck, and even skill, managing to hold his reins with his poor withered left hand when in uniform, in order to keep his sword-arm free, and during his visit to Austrian Poland, which I referred to at the beginning of this chapter, I more than once saw him with my own eyes, whilst we were riding across country, take obstacles which would have made a far older and more experienced hunter pause and reflect on.

Yet Diderot had the perspicacity to discern the drawbacks to such a revolution in the conditions of social climate. "Commerce, like enlightenment, lessens ferocity, but also, just as enlightenment takes away the enthusiasm of self-esteem, so perhaps commerce takes away the enthusiasm of virtue.

Why don't you come down?" "Ask Howard," replied Honora, demurely. "Well, Lily, I'll own up I have been considering it a little," that gentleman admitted with gravity. "But I haven't decided anything. There are certain drawbacks " "Drawbacks!" exclaimed Mrs. Dallam. "Drawbacks at Quicksands! I'd like to know what they are. Don't be silly, Howard.

Over and above these drawbacks the house had an ill name, by reason of the fact that the wife of the last occupant had hanged herself in it not very many weeks previously. She had set down a bloater before the fire for her husband's tea, and had made him a round of toast.

"However, I'm glad I could help. You have often helped me." Cartwright's eyes twinkled. "All I gave I have got back, but I'm not persuaded you didn't mean to help another. Well, perhaps, the other deserves your interest. Brown's a useful man, but he has some drawbacks and I doubt if he could have carried through the undertaking." "If you'll wait in the shade, I'll get a jacket," Barbara replied.

Trollope.... with all drawbacks: a good opinion from Isa worth its gold and Pan laughs. "But he is a beast up to the waist; yes, Mr. Trollope, a beast. He is not a true god. "And I am neither god nor beast, if you please only a It seems that she certainly imagined me to be the critic; but must have been subsequently undeceived.

Each, it may be, has advantages of its own, but each also its own drawbacks and shortcomings.

"My lady," as her friends called her, sincerely desired to be a genuine lady, and was so at heart, but had yet to learn that money cannot buy refinement of nature, that rank does not always confer nobility, and that true breeding makes itself felt in spite of external drawbacks. "I want to ask a favor of you, Mamma," Amy said, coming in with an important air one day.

But a thistle year was called a fat year, since the animals cattle, horses, sheep, and even pigs browsed freely on the huge leaves and soft sweetish-tasting stems, and were in excellent condition. The only drawbacks were that the riding-horses lost strength as they gained in fat, and cow's milk didn't taste nice.