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"What a dolt I was not to think of it." "You're not a dolt!" Mary Rose said indignantly, although she hadn't the faintest idea what a dolt was. "And I couldn't have brought one for I haven't one. And anyway I wouldn't care to make too merry today." Her face clouded as she remembered why she did not wish to be too merry.

"That's a great weight off my mind, then!" cried the organist. "I set that dolt of an apprentice of mine to play the folks out of college, this afternoon, when service was over, and of all performances! Six mistakes he made in three bars, and broke down at last. I could have boxed his ears. The dean was standing below when I went down. 'Who was that playing, Mr. Williams? he demanded.

No man is genuine who is forever trying to pattern his life after the lives of other people unless, indeed, he be a genuine dolt. But individuality is by no means the same as genuineness; for individuality may be associated with the most extreme and even ridiculous eccentricity, while genuineness we conceive to be always wholesome, balanced, and touched with dignity.

They didn't care to be laughed at by a whole dancing hall again for the sake of bringing such a dolt home. One night as they were going to bed, however, someone knocked at the door. It was Nana who matter-of-factly came to ask for a bed; and in what a state.

Tush, dolt!” answered Vathek; “and know that all this infinitely charms me; nor shall I leave the meadow till I have visited every hive of these pious mendicants.”

Bah! any dolt can put two and two together: the Comte tells me in one breath that he had a visit from Fourier in the afternoon, and that the Duchesse who only arrived in Brestalou yesterday would leave again for Paris on the day after to-morrow, and he tells it me with a mysterious air, and adds a knowing wink, and a promise that he would explain himself more fully later on.

Such an honest Dolt as this has been watch'd in every Expression he uttered, upon my Recommendation of him, and consequently been subject to the more Ridicule.

"I attended one of those meetings last night. See, I have a pass for all such assemblies, signed by some dolt who cannot even spell the name he assumes 'Pom-de-Tair. A commissary of police sat yawning at the end of the orchestra, his secretary by his side, while the orators stammer out fragments of would-be thunderbolts.

The wager shall be as you have made it; and may I lack strength if I do not deal with him " He paused, blinking like a startled owl, as his royal foster-brother leaped to his feet and fronted him with shouts of laughter. "You dolt, you!" Canute cried. "Do you not see it yet? Frode's child is a woman!" Rothgar's jaw dropped and his bulging eyes seemed in danger of following.

"Because I had rather die solitary than live in your fellowship " "Dolt! Clod! Worm!" cried she 'twixt gnashing teeth, and then all in a moment she was gazing down at me soft and gentle-eyed, red lips up-curving and smooth cheek dimpling to a smile: "Ah, Martin," sighs she languorously, "see how you do vex me!