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They leave us the spiritual that is, command of the conscience, soul, heart, and judgment the spiritual that is, the distribution of heaven's rewards, and punishments, and pardons without check, without control, in the secrecy of the confessional and that dolt, the temporal, has nothing but brute matter for his portion, and yet rubs his paunch for joy.

It doesn't gratify you, surely, to hear me say that of any woman." And then what possessed me? I was so angry at myself that I took a mental résumé of all the good that could be said of Fanny Meyrick her generosity, her constant cheerfulness; and in somewhat headlong fashion I expressed myself: "I won't call her a dolt and an idiot, even to please you.

"And you have lent her horses and helped her to get away, and you leave her husband at play in there?" "You have seen her marriage lines, I make no doubt," he sneered irrelevantly. "You dolt! If the gentleman horsewhips you, you will have richly earned it." "Eh?

"Dunder and blitzen!" swore Peter Alrichs, "hast thou lost all our provision and made fools of us, too?" They struck the dunce's cap off Nanking's head with their staves, and threw their beer in his face. "Two hundred guilders are we out of pocket," cried both these great men. "Was ever such a brainless dolt in our possessions?"

Oh, little ass, little dolt, little maniac, fit only for a madhouse, talking to iron figures and taking them for real men! What have I done, O heaven, that I should be afflicted thus?" And the poor man wept, being a good affectionate soul, but not very wise, and believing that his boy was mad.

But for Lorry's positiveness he would have laughed heartily at the other's simple credulity, or branded him a dolt, the victim of some merry actress's whim.

Able now to use his nets, Michael could look forward to the pilchard season, when he might hope to reap a rich harvest from the sea. Soon after this he fell in with Eban Cowan. "So I see you have got that dolt David Treloar as your mate," observed Eban. "If you had asked me, I would have advised you to take a chap worth two of him. He is big and strong enough, but he has no sense.

But my vengeance shall be terrible! To-night I shall be free from my oath! He walked up to the table and drank. Curly Tom watched him intently as he resumed his unsteady walk. 'He little dreams that I can enter his very chamber at any hour. Oh! coward, fool, dolt, that I have been, to delay my just revenge on the word of that old pirate.

Remember, it is not what their eyes see that fascinates these romantic young misses. A dolt can see the Tower walls and see no more than crumbling bricks and stone. It is what their minds see that fascinates the ardent creatures. Well, Rosalie's mind saw strange romance in countinghouses. That Bagehot! And then must be picked up and were with time picked up others of the magic man's enchantments.

"We must wake up that dolt of a watchman and get the place made fast once more." And after giving his name and address, Dick was glad to go home away from the sight of Whatman's rage. "I am sorry I had to do it," he told Mrs. Garth over the fire that evening, "but it wouldn't have been right to let them steal, would it?"