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When they once more came to the summit, Teddy was standing outside the tent with Oliver and Dode and the two outlaws were nowhere to be seen. After that Bradley complained at the rate of speed the boys insisted on. "Your friends must have thought they had butted into an ambuscade!" Jimmie said to the captive. "Have they had much training in running?

I wish I was in th' house." His breath came heavy and at long intervals. Bone gave a crazed look toward the road, with a wild thought of picking his master up and carrying him home. But it was nearly over now. The old man's eyes were dull; they would never see Dode again.

He had allied himself with those who sought to avenge Keithley." I nodded my head. "There were Cale Springer, Bud Dode I could enumerate other victims, but that is all unnecessary detail. What concerns us is this. Jim Garvin is county judge. In a rough way he is the political boss of the region and he has built up a fortune.

"Making counterfeit money, are they?" asked Oliver. "That's what they're doing! We were just thinking of getting out when you came. Dode wants to go with us, but we tell him to remain with the gang until they can be rounded up by the officers." Dode started to make some remark, but Jimmie stopped him. "They haven't got any consideration coming from you, have they?" he asked.

Bone was his slave; of course, they thought, how should it be otherwise? The old man's daughter was Dode Scofield; his negro was Bone Scofield, in degree. Joe went to the Methodist church on Sundays; he hurrahed for the Democratic candidate: it was a necessity for Whigs to be defeated; it was a necessity for Papists to go to hell.

That was the reason her father did not offer to take her to the meeting, though half the women in the neighborhood would be there. "She a'n't smart, my Dode," he used to say, "'s got no public sperrit." He said as much to young Gaunt, the Methodist preacher, that very day, knowing that he thought of the girl as a wife, and wishing to be honest as to her weaknesses and heresies.

Gaunt raised his hand to his head suddenly. "Did you, Dode? I had a better right than that. Because I hated him." "He never harmed you, David Gaunt," with as proud composure as that with which a Roman wife would defend her lord. "I saved his life. Dode, I'm trying to do right: God knows I am. But I hated him; he took from me the only thing that would have loved me."

"Would yer like ter know how de fight is goin', Mars'?" "What matters it?" mumbled the old man. "Them things is triflin', after all, now, now." "Is dar anyting yer'd like me ter git, Mars' Joe?" said Bone, through his sobs. The thought of the dying man was darkening fast; he began to mutter about Dode, and George at Harper's Ferry, "Give Coly a warm mash to-night, Bone."

"The gun I looked into seemed about as large as the tunnel under the Hudson, and I became the good little boy without further argument." "I thought the gun I saw was a room in a cavern!" grinned Dode. "So they performed with their ropes and gags, and we lay there like two little kittens while they tore up our work and smashed things generally.

"One of the boys!" Ned exclaimed. "I reckon something is wrong there!" But nothing was wrong there nothing at all, so far as the boys were concerned. Oliver and Teddy had succeeded in capturing the man who was watching the camp. Pretending to fall asleep by the fire, they had lain in wait for the spy and captured him just as he was in the act of setting fire to the tent. Dode accompanied Mrs.