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The newspaper is his sole literature; he has never had time to acquire a taste for any reading save his ledger. Honest friendship for books comes with youth or, as a rule, not at all. At last his hour of peril arrives. Then you may separate him from business, but you will find that to divorce his thoughts from it is impossible. The fiend of work he raised no man can lay.

But I was mistaken about the divorce. It was a death." Maxwell lay stupidly holding the note before him. "Will you tell me what it means?" his wife repeated. "Or why you didn't tell me before, if you meant to give your play to that creature?" "I don't mean to give it to her," said Maxwell, doggedly. "I never did, for an instant.

That masterpiece has become this person's standard of art and neither argument, nor persuasion, nor sophistry can divorce him from his ideal. The boy's mother is one of his ideals. He believes her to be the best woman alive, and it were a sorry fact if he did not. Hence, when her good qualities are assailed his spirit explodes and commands his right arm to become a battering-ram.

The study of the divorce movement, then, will throw more light upon the condition of the modern family than the study of anything else. The instability of the modern family has been most evident in the United States.

"He'll have me watched that's all he'll do," said Mildred. "When he gets ready he'll divorce me for deserting him." Mrs. Presbury felt that she was right. But, concealing her despondency, she said: "All we can do is to wait and see. You must send for your luggage." "I've nothing but a large bag," said Mildred. "I checked it in the parcel-room of the New York station." Mrs.

"I'll go get the general I know him slightly." "I didn't say anything about the general," said Mildred. Stanley smiled apologetically. "It wouldn't do for you to go about with me not when my missus is looking for grounds for divorce." "Why not?" said Mildred. "So's my husband." "You busted up, too? Now, that's what I call jolly." And he cast a puzzled glance up at the abstracted general.

I told him so last night just before dinner. He was quite mad. He said that I had kissed a friend of ours at least he was a friend of both of us till he quarrelled with my husband some weeks ago in the East wood. He raged about it, and declared he was going to start a divorce action. But I didn't take much notice of it. He was always falling into dreadful rages.

Been raised together, too. I came away to give her a chance for divorce. She got it. 'But that's got nothing to do with Ruth. I had thought of cleaning up and pulling for the Outside next year her and I but it's too late. Don't send her back to her people, Kid. It's beastly hard for a woman to go back.

Grant Harlson's wife was, as has been said, a woman of reason and of force, and she had her own life, with its objects. She chafed under the bond which still connected her with Harlson, and she broke it cleanly. It was she, not he, who sought divorce, and the simple logical ground of incompatibility of temperament was all that was required, in the State where she resided. There was no defense.

82. =Proposed Remedies.= Various remedies have been proposed to stem the tide of excessive divorce. There are many who see in divorce nothing more than a healthy symptom of individual independence, a revolt against conditions of the home that are sometimes almost intolerable.