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Updated: August 8, 2024

"I have to say to you," he said, "that somehow somehow, this divorce must be put a stop to." Gregory flushed painfully. "On what grounds? I am not aware that my ward is a parishioner of yours, Mr. Barter, or that if she were " The Rector closed in on him, his head thrust forward, his lower lip projecting. "If she were doing her duty," he said, "she would be.

It has frequently been said that desertion is the poor man's divorce but, like many epigrams, this one hardly stands the test of experience. When examined closely it is neither illuminating nor, if the testimony of social case workers can be accepted, is it true.

From the night of her marriage, the charming and only daughter of the banker Chevrel conceived for the unhappy notary an insurmountable antipathy, and wished to apply at once for a divorce.

I suppose I've got to live along and pretend I don't care. Poor me!" One may evade cravenly. That means to run away like a coward. Many divorces are simply a blind and frantic attempt to escape from suffering. Some divorces, of course, are the best possible solution of a bad situation. But quite often the persons seeking the divorce are really trying to run away from themselves.

Tresslyn: if George gets well, and I pray to God that he may, I am going back to him, and I don't care whether we go through the form of marrying all over again or not. He is my husband. I am his wife. There never was an honest cause for divorce in our case.

It is not conceivable that, generations hence, the head of a family will exhibit with pride the stained newspaper cuttings containing the unsavoury details of the divorce case of his great-great-grandmother. This aspect of family history seldom presented itself to Ursula Winwood. It did not do so this mellow and contented afternoon.

"Without mentioning names, then, I say that she is not a fit person to bring a suit for divorce!" "You say that?" said Gregory. "You " He could not go on. "You will not move me, Mr. Vigil," said the Rector, with a grim little smile. "I have my duty to do." Gregory recovered possession of himself with an effort.

The results of such a divorce between the government and that general mass of national sentiment on which a government can alone safely ground itself at once made themselves felt.

In any issue of certain city newspapers, you will see such advertisements as the following: "Absolute divorces legally obtained, in New York, and States where desertion, drunkenness, etc., etc., are sufficient cause. No publicity; no charge until divorce obtained; advice free. M B , attorney, 56 street." The persons so advertising are called divorce lawyers.

If Aaron heard that husband and wife lived in discord, he would hasten to the husband, saying: "I come to thee because I hear that thou and thy wife live in discord, wherefore thou must divorce her.

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