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She was in a trap. This man had made it, cunningly using in his work all that he knew of Gloria Gaynor. There was no way out, save through the gate of matrimony. And in her heart she laughed at him through that other wider gate beyond, the gate of divorce. She would accept his name; the name of Gratton stood high in San Francisco.

"Who are suing each other for divorce," I put in, for I knew of the Constant Scrappes in social life, as who did not, since a good third of the society items of the day concerned themselves with the matrimonial difficulties of this notable couple. "Precisely," said Henriette. "Now Mrs.

A wet crowd of roughs and pavement vagabonds gathered and made hoarse remarks on the woman's dress as she was hauled out in her finery, bleeding and half fainting, her silk gown a prey to the mud, her half-naked shoulders a hostage to the wind. Two men in opera-hats, walked towards their club, discussing a divorce case, and telling funny stories through the rain.

It was this original Bourbaki who carried to Napoleon Joseph's secret letters reporting Josephine's misconduct in her husband's absence, misconduct which Napoleon condoned at the time, though it would have entitled him to a divorce nine years before he decided on one.

This has changed her attitude toward her original occupation of housewife and is a psychological fact of great importance. She has become more industrial and individualized, and as a result has declined to live in unsatisfactory relations with man, so that divorce has become more frequent. In part this is also caused by her inability to give up petty irresponsibility while claiming equality.

Private nationalities and private religions are luxuries at such a time in considerable demand. The future may possibly see in the Occident that divorce between administrative and ideal groups which is familiar in the Orient; so that under no matter what government and with utter cosmopolitanism in industry and science, each race may guard its own poetry, religion, and manners.

Certainly, although he had been engaged in the most extraordinary, most unlikely, most extravagant, and funniest cases, and had won legal games without a trump in his hand although he had worked out the obscure law of divorce, as if it had been a Californian gold mine, Maitre Garrulier, the celebrated, the only Garrulier, could not check a movement of surprise, nor a disheartening shake of the head, nor a smile, when the Countess de Baudemont explained her affairs to him for the first time.

The lawyer listened with his head aside, his eyes looking out on the sea and his white fingers combing his long brown beard, and before I had finished I could see that he too, like the Bishop, had determined to see nothing. "You may be right," he began. . . . "I am right!" I answered. "But even if you are, I am bound to tell you that adultery is not enough of itself as a ground for divorce."

"Too many are all affectation, and pose, and forwardness. At twenty they know all there is to be known, they are blasees cynical ready for divorce before they are ready for marriage. By contrast you are so wholesome, so refreshing." "Thank you," Maggie again murmured.

Divorce the physical from the spiritual in someone else you who perhaps say: "I myself love such a man, such a woman, with the best part of myself; what I do with another is of no importance" you violate the nature of that other from whom you take what is physical, and leave what is spiritual as though it were not there.